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A Solution (1 Viewer)


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Nov 27, 2005
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new zealand
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Firstly, the War on Terror cannot be won in the way one would normally win a war; through strategically targeting the enemy's bases and HQ's etc, and by targeting the enemy's generals and troops. This War is very different to any other war, and it is certainly not going to be won if the US and its allies continue to fight it as they currently are.
One must look at the root causes of terrorism, and one overshadowing factor is obvious; poverty. Poverty in society is the root cause of conflict, and subsequently, conflict spawns things like hate, discrimination, and racism. Poverty is originally the reason why generations of Islam followers are being brought up amongst such a strong anti-American society, and this society is predominantly the place where Islamic Jihadists come from. Therefore, it is obvious to target poverty in both Middle Eastern and African societies. (The societies which statistically provide a majority of Islamic Jihad troops). Instead of investing billions of dollars in a War that cannot be won by conventional methods, let us invest those billions towards eradicating such things like poverty and disease, so terrorism will find no place to recruit its troops from and young Islamic Jihadists will have to reason to place hate upon anybody.
By eradicating the social resources where terrorism finds strength, we will effectively cut off the flow of terrorists into the cause of Jihad. This War can't be won through violence and bloodshed (after all, does malice and death make a good foundation for a better world?), instead it can be won through the abolition of factors that create terrorism.
hmonz_girl said:
Firstly, the War on Terror cannot be won in the way one would normally win a war; through strategically targeting the enemy's bases and HQ's etc, and by targeting the enemy's generals and troops. This War is very different to any other war, and it is certainly not going to be won if the US and its allies continue to fight it as they currently are.
One must look at the root causes of terrorism, and one overshadowing factor is obvious; poverty. Poverty in society is the root cause of conflict, and subsequently, conflict spawns things like hate, discrimination, and racism. Poverty is originally the reason why generations of Islam followers are being brought up amongst such a strong anti-American society, and this society is predominantly the place where Islamic Jihadists come from. Therefore, it is obvious to target poverty in both Middle Eastern and African societies. (The societies which statistically provide a majority of Islamic Jihad troops). Instead of investing billions of dollars in a War that cannot be won by conventional methods, let us invest those billions towards eradicating such things like poverty and disease, so terrorism will find no place to recruit its troops from and young Islamic Jihadists will have to reason to place hate upon anybody.
By eradicating the social resources where terrorism finds strength, we will effectively cut off the flow of terrorists into the cause of Jihad. This War can't be won through violence and bloodshed (after all, does malice and death make a good foundation for a better world?), instead it can be won through the abolition of factors that create terrorism.

May I suggest a good history book? Any one will do.
hmonz_girl said:
Firstly, the War on Terror cannot be won in the way one would normally win a war; through strategically targeting the enemy's bases and HQ's etc, and by targeting the enemy's generals and troops. This War is very different to any other war, and it is certainly not going to be won if the US and its allies continue to fight it as they currently are.
One must look at the root causes of terrorism, and one overshadowing factor is obvious; poverty. Poverty in society is the root cause of conflict, and subsequently, conflict spawns things like hate, discrimination, and racism. Poverty is originally the reason why generations of Islam followers are being brought up amongst such a strong anti-American society, and this society is predominantly the place where Islamic Jihadists come from. Therefore, it is obvious to target poverty in both Middle Eastern and African societies. (The societies which statistically provide a majority of Islamic Jihad troops). Instead of investing billions of dollars in a War that cannot be won by conventional methods, let us invest those billions towards eradicating such things like poverty and disease, so terrorism will find no place to recruit its troops from and young Islamic Jihadists will have to reason to place hate upon anybody.
By eradicating the social resources where terrorism finds strength, we will effectively cut off the flow of terrorists into the cause of Jihad. This War can't be won through violence and bloodshed (after all, does malice and death make a good foundation for a better world?), instead it can be won through the abolition of factors that create terrorism.

So reward them for killing thousands of Americans with billions of dollars. Each time they want money they just blow up another building? We did not causing the poverty and disease in the ME. The phantaics that are detonating there homemade bombs i don't think are going to be swayed by a few dollars.

We are satan to them. Sorry I would rather kill those that are trying to kil me then pay them to not kill me
hmonz_girl said:
Firstly, the War on Terror cannot be won in the way one would normally win a war; through strategically targeting the enemy's bases and HQ's etc, and by targeting the enemy's generals and troops. This War is very different to any other war, and it is certainly not going to be won if the US and its allies continue to fight it as they currently are.
One must look at the root causes of terrorism, and one overshadowing factor is obvious; poverty. Poverty in society is the root cause of conflict, and subsequently, conflict spawns things like hate, discrimination, and racism. Poverty is originally the reason why generations of Islam followers are being brought up amongst such a strong anti-American society, and this society is predominantly the place where Islamic Jihadists come from. Therefore, it is obvious to target poverty in both Middle Eastern and African societies. (The societies which statistically provide a majority of Islamic Jihad troops). Instead of investing billions of dollars in a War that cannot be won by conventional methods, let us invest those billions towards eradicating such things like poverty and disease, so terrorism will find no place to recruit its troops from and young Islamic Jihadists will have to reason to place hate upon anybody.
By eradicating the social resources where terrorism finds strength, we will effectively cut off the flow of terrorists into the cause of Jihad. This War can't be won through violence and bloodshed (after all, does malice and death make a good foundation for a better world?), instead it can be won through the abolition of factors that create terrorism.

I think you have some good thoughts, but I'm not sure that giving billions of dollars to ME countries will effectively help the poverty situation. In those countries, as proved in this country, the "trickle down" theory doesn't work. The rich just keep the money and buy bigger yachts.
i'm not suggesting a complete disengagement in the War on Terror on our part; all i'm saying is that as long as poverty is in existance in Islamic societies, terrorism will naturally have a place to stem from. it's just plain logic how to eradicate future generations of terrorism. Bush's approach on terrorism and how to 'beat it' was completely wrong to start with.
hmonz_girl said:
i'm not suggesting a complete disengagement in the War on Terror on our part; all i'm saying is that as long as poverty is in existance in Islamic societies, terrorism will naturally have a place to stem from. it's just plain logic how to eradicate future generations of terrorism. Bush's approach on terrorism and how to 'beat it' was completely wrong to start with.

You're contradicting yourself.
The only way to institute a change and end poverty is to oust leaders like Sadaam, who surely wasn't about to have a change of heart as to how he was running Iraq.

While a dictator like Sadaam is in power there will always be a harsh dividing line between the rich and the poor, with very little to no middle class. The purpose of this war is to create a more democratic state within the Mid East. By creating a government elected by the people, there's more of a chance for changes over time and involvement from everyone, as opposed to having a government/dictator imposed on you.

While it has been, and will be a long and arduous task, the main goal isn't/wasn't to kill a bunch of people wholesale, but to create a better governmental system within the Mid East, hopefully influence their neighbors (Saudi Arabia most notably) and maintain a stable population that doesn't feel helpless and buy into the rhetoric of their dictators that it's America's fault that they're poor.

Unfortunately, it does start with military action and killing. Killing of the hardcores who are so far ingrained with the ideology that they know no other language than the violent Jihad they're taught. Killing of the Mullahs who teach that religion is a rigid form of intolerance. Killing of the ideologues who would die rather than take money or bribes to turn in their leaders.

In the end, a democratic state ally of the U.S. in the Mid East is a great step toward stamping out the desperation that drives some to become 'terrorists'. Right now that effort is taking place in Iraq and Afghanistan.
hmonz_girl said:
all i'm saying is that as long as poverty is in existance in Islamic societies, terrorism will naturally have a place to stem from

While she left it a bit short of a good solution, hmonz_girl is actually on the right track. The Salafist jihadis find their best recruiting in the disaffected, economically isolated Muslim countries. Their visions of a return to the glory days of the Muslim Caliphate are an attractive alternative to the continued 'outside looking in' position of too many predominately Muslim populations.

But the answer is not to throw money at them. The answer is to let globalization continue to do its magic of connecting and integrating economies. But in order to do that, one must have a relatively secure environment, one that will attract foreign investment. You've got to have the rule of law, so that contracts can be entered into and enforced/arbitrated. In short, you're best served by having some form of representative government and a market based economy.

Iraq will be the first. When the young potential jihadis in Iran, Syria and other predominately Muslim countries see the success, the improvement in the quality of life, the "connectedness" to the rest of the world, the attraction to martyrdom will decline markedly.

So, ok, call me neo-con if you wish. But if you look at it honestly, this is the way the world is working.
hmonz_girl said:
i'm not suggesting a complete disengagement in the War on Terror on our part; all i'm saying is that as long as poverty is in existance in Islamic societies, terrorism will naturally have a place to stem from. it's just plain logic how to eradicate future generations of terrorism. Bush's approach on terrorism and how to 'beat it' was completely wrong to start with.

There is poverty in may many nations. Why is it that the ME is the only one that is a terrorist factory. Sorry I am not paying these people to be nice. I would not allow them to blatantly hold us up for monetary purposes. There poor because there leaders steal everything. Unless you plan on handing money directly to the people, it just isn't going to work. We did'nt cause the poverty, the leaders did. And other then a millitary strike the only way to eliminate them is by the very people they oppress.

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