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A Short Gun Story (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
Reaction score
Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
A short gun story.....

A guy walked into a crowded bar, waving his unholstered pistol and yelled, "I have a 45 calibre Colt 1911 with a seven round magazine plus one in the chamber and I want to know who's been sleeping with my wife."

A voice from the back of the room called out,

"You need more ammo!”
A short gun story.....

A guy walked into a crowded bar, waving his unholstered pistol and yelled, "I have a 45 calibre Colt 1911 with a seven round magazine plus one in the chamber and I want to know who's been sleeping with my wife."

A voice from the back of the room called out,

"You need more ammo!”


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