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A Road of Pain and Blood (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Political Leaning
A Road of Pain and Blood


Tens of thousands of people flooded the streets of towns and cities across Belarus this week in protest of last Sunday’s presidential election. The announced results — a landslide victory for the country’s longtime President Alexander Lukashenko — are widely seen as fraudulent. The government’s response to the peaceful demonstrations has been savage violence: Thousands of people have been indiscriminately beaten, shot with rubber bullets, arrested, and held for days in unknown detention centers. Journalists have been among the arrested. This account by Russian reporter Nikita Telizhenko, originally published in Russian on the Ekaterinburg-based outlet Znak, is one of the first detailed glimpses into the horrific abuses taking place in Lukashenko’s detention centers.

continued @ the link above

First-hand account of repression in Belarus by a Russian journalist.

Related: Kremlin Predicts Swift Resolution of Belarus Unrest
the former USSR states are in a world of protest
If Lukashenka falls, Russia will use it as a pretext to retake White Russia and then there will be unrest in Poland, rinse and repeat. Let Germany deal with this, the Chancellor being the new leader of the free world with her awesome superior military technology and all that.
the former USSR states are in a world of protest

It's a target rich environment for US Department of State and the CIA. Belarus, Ukraine, Venezuela, Bolivia and so much more.
It's a target rich environment for US Department of State and the CIA. Belarus, Ukraine, Venezuela, Bolivia and so much more.

Slow day at QAnon?
It's a target rich environment for US Department of State and the CIA. Belarus, Ukraine, Venezuela, Bolivia and so much more.

true it is

but its also old vs young

ts the 60's but it hit the east

its always twenty years after a crisis

ussr breakup in the 90's-twentu years laet-culutral war and sex revolution

ww2-twenty years later same thing in USA

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