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A really thoughtful opinion piece. "Terrorism Cannot Win" (1 Viewer)

Missouri Mule

DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Political Leaning
Now this is something that makes some sense. I remember the Iranian revolution all too well with their despotic ruler. This author puts everything into context. Very interesting piece.

Terrorism Cannot Win: This is Why
Friday 29 July 2005

In 1947, Ruhalhah Khomeini, then a mid-ranking mullah in Qom, issued a “fatwa” (opinion) that made it incumbent on “the faithful” to murder Ahmad Kasravi. It took a group of eight “faithful” to plan and carry out the murder several months later. A jubilant Khomeini told his entourage that he had “eliminated that paragon of impiety” for ever.

At the time of his murder Kasravi was one of Iran’s leading intellectuals. A veritable Renaissance man, he was a senior jurist at the high court, a distinguished historian, a magnetic orator, a master of the Persian prose, and a best-selling author.

Just over three decades later Khomeini was the master of Iran, executing his real or imagined foes by the thousands. Kasravi’s book were dug out of libraries and private collections and burned and his tomb ransacked by Khomeinist thugs. But that, too, was not the end of the story.

A thousand years from now Kasravi will still be remembered as a great Iranian writer and thinker while Khomeini would have become a footnote in history like so many other sanguinary tyrants who came, killed, and went away. Have you ever heard of Ghazan Khan? No? Well, there you go.

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The history of contemporary Islamist terrorism is full of instances of cold-blooded murder ordered by those who could not compete in literary, political, social or even theological fields against those better than them.
Very intelectual! I like it! I guessing they are refuring to everyone else when they wrote "Against those better than them"?
stsburns said:
Very intelectual! I like it! I guessing they are refuring to everyone else when they wrote "Against those better than them"?

I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic, parsing words or whatever. I would guess the author is stating a simple fact. Bin Laden and his ilk hasn't given anything of value to modern civilization except death and destruction. Does that clear that up for you?
Missouri Mule said:
I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic, parsing words or whatever. I would guess the author is stating a simple fact. Bin Laden and his ilk hasn't given anything of value to modern civilization except death and destruction. Does that clear that up for you?
The history of contemporary Islamist terrorism is full of instances of cold-blooded murder ordered by those who could not compete in literary, political, social or even theological fields against those better than them.
No I was refering to that Osama doesn't use politics, he uses bombers. "Against those better than him" I thought the author was refering to countries like us, The United States of America. That we are better than he is? That was my question?
stsburns said:
No I was refering to that Osama doesn't use politics, he uses bombers. "Against those better than him" I thought the author was refering to countries like us, The United States of America. That we are better than he is? That was my question?

Isn't that rather self-evident?

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