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A Reality Theory... (1 Viewer)

If truth is at the center of the circle, this is what we perceive.


Once you do some homework, you might agree reality looks more like this:


The masses were tricked, and subtly led astray so that they still feel like they are in the first drawing. They’re not even in the circle anymore… The conspiracy is the truth. The conspiracy is what is running and ruining our lives...

Simply, there is a concerted effort, and has been for a long time, for world domination at the hands of very few people. The same age-old dream that never died. No chariots and swords today, it is far more sophisticated than that. Psychology and information are always a primary weapon in war.

The real battle, invisible yet in plain sight, is the battle for who controls the issuance of currency. Most of the wars, terrorism and chaos, the seemingly separate events we witness in the world have one thread in common; who controls the issuance of currency.

Whether you believe religion is cause for most of the wars we’ve seen or not, who controls the issuance of currency is a driving force behind it. Religious, philosophical, social, political, cultural ideologies are just levers to manipulate. Divide and conquer. Think of the masses as a kind of money printing machine for the Head Munchkins. Manipulating ideologies is just like tinkering with the machine – a little turn of this knob, flip that lever, etc… Inflame this or that religious group, incite a riot here, blow up some markets there, control the information reaching the populations, secretly fund both sides, create front organizations, etc…

The Head Munchkins have no country, or national loyalty. Governments, countries, laws don’t matter, they merely present obstacles. Manipulating information and ideologies are just tools with which to overcome those obstacles.

War is the biggest business of them all. Countries spend the most when they are at war, and it is an easy way to reorganize the world as the Head Munchkins need to facilitate consolidation of currency control. War, to the Head Munchkins, is neither viewed morally as good or bad, just a pragmatic means to make money, to expand, consolidate, maintain their monopoly as needed. We, the citizen, aren’t seen as an element to care for, but rather, pragmatically, a resource to milk. Military personnel are merely pawns on a map in a situation room somewhere, not an element to care for, but a resource to milk.

‘Invisible’ or ‘silent’ control of the population secures their control over currency, especially during the vulnerable building stages. If you feel free, there’s nothing to rebel against, you stay productive. Fascist, totalitarian regimes are just naturally easier to work with for the Head Munchkins. Combining all the countries, or ‘World Government’, or ‘Globalization’ is just the logical natural progression of currency consolidation. It’s way more efficient, and convenient. Nothing personal, just business… ‘Imperialism’ had such an ugly name…

We’ve been told a million times that something like this would come from within our borders, not tanks and bombs on our shores. An open dictatorship will become the norm, but you will see a need for it by then, maybe even demanding one for your own security. It will be PR’d to you as a temporary blessing until your children wake up never knowing what a free country used to look like. The Head Munchkins are not the type to charge in the front door, both guns blazing…

They are the type who ‘case’ your house for awhile, set up surveillance, tap your phone, car, house, track your every move. They bump into you at the grocer and become your best, even most generous and trusted friend. They tunnel in from a mile out, and set up shop right under your house. They learn everything about you, what you think, what you want, what you fear, what you hope for, and they begin to use it against you ever so slowly. They tinker and perfect. They don’t waste their time with mugging you at the automated teller. They bilk you for a lifetime, then your children, your grandchildren… A business. They hand it down to their munchkin kids like the family Hardware store…

That is the truth of what is going on in the world, the center of the circle. Money is the ultimate commodity, and controlling it is to have the ultimate control – world domination at mass detriment to the masses, benefit of a small few at the presses. If you understand that, the Head Munchkins can’t have control anymore, so it’s in their best interest to sell it as anything but what it is, pile everything else with conspiracy theories, call for a tax or ban on malicious conspiracy theorists…

All there is, is a wet paper bag between you and the truth…



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