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A question? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I noticed that when a thread is produced, that the replies, and posts are always the same. On my forum, and others, there were almost always three or four times the views, then the replies. I was just wondering what was the deal with that, I guess I would like to know if the thread was really interesting, and if folks are checking in to view it?
Deegan said:
I noticed that when a thread is produced, that the replies, and posts are always the same. On my forum, and others, there were almost always three or four times the views, then the replies. I was just wondering what was the deal with that, I guess I would like to know if the thread was really interesting, and if folks are checking in to view it?

{geek answer}
In order to conserve sql calls we do not update the views immediately. They are updated hourly. There may be 5 times the views that it really shows (especialy hot topics). It will eventually catch up and show the correct views and replies. Older topics should indicate this.

{non-geek answer}
We have a very high participation rate. We just don't know when to shuddap.
vauge said:
{geek answer}
In order to conserve sql calls we do not update the views immediately. They are updated hourly. There may be 5 times the views that it really shows (especialy hot topics). It will eventually catch up and show the correct views and replies. Older topics should indicate this.

{non-geek answer}
We have a very high participation rate. We just don't know when to shuddap.

Well I went back 11 pages, and still it was, replies 71 views 72?

It's not important, I just noticed it while looking at the 18 members and 52 guests, so I thought, there has to be more folks at least reading it. I know on my forum the guest views count, every click on the thread is counted. I am the first to admit I know nothing about this, but if I ask my computer geek friend, he always acts like an ass. He makes you feel stupid for "asking such simple questions":rofl

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