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A question regarding the hiearchy, etc. (1 Viewer)


New member
May 21, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois.
Excuse me for being somewhat n00bish with this question. However, may I ask who are the moderators and administrators of this forum? Also, does this forum have an unofficial "social hiearchy" in which some members' opnions are held in higher value than others, or a member is more popular than another member, etc. Yes, it sounds like a dumb question, but I am curious as to this.
However, may I ask who are the moderators and administrators of this forum? Also, does this forum have an unofficial "social hiearchy" in which some members' opnions are held in higher value than others, or a member is more popular than another member,
We don't have specific members who have a higher priority due to popularity, but Donors get special benefits for becoming a sponsor.

Vauge= Owner and Head Administrator
Squawker = Conservative [avatar & smilie admin]
GarzaUK = Liberal and representing our European community.
Gandhi>Bush = Liberal
Pacridge = Independent/Liberal
Shaumort = Independent
On the frontpage at the bottom there is a link that says Show Forum Leaders.

This shows all members of the different unique groups. Bear in mind that it only shows the folks that wish to be displayed as being of member of the groups. User CP > Group Memberships to add yourself to one if you wish. Currently, only the donkeys, elephants, stars, and gavels are the only difference between users.

This also shows me as being the moderator of this forum and all the others listed above as 'Super Moderators'. That is exactly what they are. There are few things that I can do and they are unable. Many, if not all major questions I have for the direction of the forum first goes through their agonizing scrutiny (j/k). Their decisions from single post moderation to all our group efforts holds as much value as mine.

Also, everyone has a title. After 500 posts or if one donates they can have a unique title. Until then, it is based on post count.

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