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A question if anyone can answer related to 'Caste' system in India (1 Viewer)


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Dec 10, 2005
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As I have been debating in other sections about 'Caste' system in India being followed even today - the plight of the 'Dalits' - meaning 'Untouchables' - is ignored by us. We had the civil rights movement - the citizens of this world put an end to aparthied in South Africa and slavery in Africa. The 'Dalits' are no better than slaves in even the 21st century and all we are doing is pouring in dollars to India and losing our jobs. Can't we expect a change in culture in India? Is that too much to ask?

I want to ask any knowledgable person if he/she knows - Has anytime in history, the State Department, White House or the Congress gave any statement on 'Untouchables' in India or passed a bill?


(few links on Dalits)
I'm not an expert on India, but any change to their caste system would be very difficult to implement. It's more of culture thing that encompasses all parts of their lives. Changing their way of life isn't going to be easy.
junno said:
I want to ask any knowledgable person if he/she knows - Has anytime in history, the State Department, White House or the Congress gave any statement on 'Untouchables' in India or passed a bill?

Per your own site:
The US Senate passed a special resolution on 25 July 2001 (H.R. 2506), that the US contribution to the World Bank urban development projects in Asia would have the following condition attached: "that the Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States executive director to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to vote against any water or sewage project in India that does not prohibit the use of scavenger labour."

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