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A question for my pro abortion/choice friends...... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Have you ever heard a woman when she found out she was pregnant tell people: I am so happy I am going to have a fetus?
I have a question for you; what's your point?
Hey Navy, she would be accurrate if she said that. Fetus is the latin word for Baby or offspring or young one. Have you noticed if a woman decides to have a Baby she says so and is proud of the event. Baby showers and well wishes. She deserves it. As I can not think of a greater honor than give someone the gift of Life. She becomes a Hero. A special Hero that not only saves a Life but someone that gives life. Oh how special.

Now lets see what the woman who decides to have an abortion goes through She is not proud she tells no one. No party just sneaking off to a clinic to pay a hired assasin to kill someone who is half you. She calls the Baby "it " thus not recognizing she is killing another human being. Afterwards she might feel guilty and sorry but it is to late that life will never be. I can pray she askes for forgiveness and prays that she will hold her baby in heaven. For anyone going through the guilt I suggest reading "I'll Hold you in heaven" by Jack Hayford. But if anyone is trying to decide I beg you don't have an abortion. Life is so prescios don't waste it.
Navy Pride said:
Have you ever heard a woman when she found out she was pregnant tell people: I am so happy I am going to have a fetus?

Why would she say that?

She is not going to have a fetus....it will be a baby if she goes full term.

*Edited out unneeded sarcasm*
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Navy Pride said:
Have you ever heard a woman when she found out she was pregnant tell people: I am so happy I am going to have a fetus?
Actually, at birth it would be a baby. And hopefully she finds out BEFORE there is a fetus.
OdgenTugbyGlub said:
I have a question for you; what's your point?

Only you would not know.........:roll:
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Hey Navy, she would be accurrate if she said that. Fetus is the latin word for Baby or offspring or young one. Have you noticed if a woman decides to have a Baby she says so and is proud of the event. Baby showers and well wishes. She deserves it. As I can not think of a greater honor than give someone the gift of Life. She becomes a Hero. A special Hero that not only saves a Life but someone that gives life. Oh how special.

Now lets see what the woman who decides to have an abortion goes through She is not proud she tells no one. No party just sneaking off to a clinic to pay a hired assasin to kill someone who is half you. She calls the Baby "it " thus not recognizing she is killing another human being. Afterwards she might feel guilty and sorry but it is to late that life will never be. I can pray she askes for forgiveness and prays that she will hold her baby in heaven. For anyone going through the guilt I suggest reading "I'll Hold you in heaven" by Jack Hayford. But if anyone is trying to decide I beg you don't have an abortion. Life is so prescios don't waste it.

Exactly and how a so called doctor could perform abortions when the mother's life is not in danger and he takes and hypocratic oath to save lives.......What a hypocrite........
tecoyah said:
Why would she say that?

She is not going to have a fetus....it will be a baby if she goes full term.

*Edited out unneeded sarcasm*

Its a baby when its conceived.......I know it makes you sleep better at night to deny that though......:roll:
Navy Pride said:
Its a baby when its conceived.......I know it makes you sleep better at night to deny that though......:roll:

Actually....if you ignore (as you do) every single bit of scientific literature authored in the last 50 yrs....then you are correct, it is a baby when concieved. Thing is....theres these people, who is all learned and stuff. and they make up fancy wordin' to explain these things.

* sarcasm needed...so not removed*
tecoyah said:
Actually....if you ignore (as you do) every single bit of scientific literature authored in the last 50 yrs....then you are correct, it is a baby when concieved. Thing is....theres these people, who is all learned and stuff. and they make up fancy wordin' to explain these things.

* sarcasm needed...so not removed*

Sleep well tonight, 3,500 babies were murdered in the womb todays....:roll:
Proudly Pro Life JP Freem said:
Hey Navy, she would be accurrate if she said that. Fetus is the latin word for Baby or offspring or young one.
Well, you keep claiming that. Here is what I have found on the subject:
fētus (foet- ), a, um, adj. [Part., from ‡ FEO, whence also: fecundus, femina, fenus, felix] , that is or was filled with young (syn.: gravidus, praegnans).

I. Pregnant, breeding (mostly poet.).
A. Lit.: lenta salix feto pecori, Verg. E. 3, 83 ; 1, 50: vulpes, Hor. C. 3, 27, 5 .--
2. Transf.
a. Of land, fruitful, productive: (terra) feta parit nitidas fruges, etc., Lucr. 2, 994 ; cf.: terra feta frugibus et vario leguminum genere, * Cic. N. D. 2, 62, 156: loca palustribus ulvis, Ov. M. 14, 103 : regio nec pomo nec uvis, id. P. 1, 7, 13 ; id. F. 1, 662.--Also of plants: palmites, Col. 3, 21, 3 .--
b. In gen., filled with any thing, full: machina armis, Verg. A. 2, 238 : loca furentibus austris, id. ib. 1, 51 : colla serpentis veneno, Sil. 17, 448 .--
B. Trop., full of.--With abl.: feta furore Megaera, Sil. 13, 592 : praecordia bello, id. 17, 380 : praecordia irā, id. 11, 203 . --With gen.: fetas novales Martis, Claud. Bell. Get. 25 ; and in a Gr. construction: fetus Gradivo mentem, id. 10, 14 .--
II. That has brought forth, newly delivered: veniebant fetam amicae gratulatum, Varr. ap. Non. 312, 12: agiles et fetae (opp. tardiores et gravidae), Col. 7, 3 fin. : ursa, Ov. M. 13, 803 : lupa, Verg. A. 8, 630 : ovis, id. E. 1, 50 ; Ov. F. 2, 413: qua feta jacebat uxor et infantes ludebant, Juv. 14, 167 .--Absol.: insueta gravis temptabunt pabula fetas, Verg. E. 1, 49 .

As such, your claim seems false. Care to document your claim with something other than oversimplified ENGLISH dictionary references?
Have you noticed if a woman decides to have a Baby she says so and is proud of the event.
Yes, what she is GOING TO HAVE.
Baby showers and well wishes. She deserves it.
Yes, that pacifier or swing set is not for the fetus, after all.

Still desperately trying to justify your deceptive, emotionally manipulative, revisionist linguistic hyperbole
As I can not think of a greater honor than give someone the gift of Life. She becomes a Hero. A special Hero that not only saves a Life but someone that gives life. Oh how special.
Well, isn't that special :roll: She doesn't really care what you think. It is her life not yours. If you want a baby go have one of your own. Don't use that as an excuse to enslave her.
Now lets see what the woman who decides to have an abortion goes through She is not proud she tells no one.
care to evidence that subjective, unsubstantiated claim?
No party just sneaking off to a clinic
More stupid hyperbole and nonsense. You know, when I had surgery I didn't have a party either. Was I ashamed of the surgery? Or are you just spewing incredibly stupid prolife hysterical rhetoric? Well, it is the latter, of course.
to pay a hired assasin to kill someone who is half you.
Ah, you are really ramping up the emotional outright lies here. yes, we already have the impression that prolife are unable to make comments without outright lying and spewing emotional hysterics in place of facts. You are merely confirming this impression with your stupid theatrics.
She calls the Baby "it "
There is no baby until birth, your emotionally laden, revisionist linguistic hyperbole none withstanding. Yes, once again you evidence the prolifers scorn for facts and accuracy in favor of hysterics.
thus not recognizing she is killing another human being.
But then she aren't to begin with, so that is very realistic.
Afterwards she might feel guilty and sorry
But most likely not, prolife dishonest implications and lies none withstanding.
but it is to late that life will never be. I can pray she askes for forgiveness and prays that she will hold her baby in heaven.
isn't that special. Don't you think that when liars pray to God, it actually harms what they are praying for? She might be better off without your prayers.
For anyone going through the guilt I suggest reading "I'll Hold you in heaven" by Jack Hayford. But if anyone is trying to decide I beg you don't have an abortion. Life is so prescios don't waste it.
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Emotional appeal through hysterics and deception. YAWN!:roll:
Navy Pride said:
Sleep well tonight, 3,500 babies were murdered in the womb todays....:roll:
Amazing how much emotional hysterics and histrionic "just because I say so" silly postulations prolifers have to spew in the place of the facts they don't have.
You claim that you are "pro-choice". That is kind of hypocritical and contradictive in my opinion. Does the baby have the choice to live or die? No. It has absolutely no choice in being able to have a shot at life.

Also, I have read an article about an abortion doctor who has killed 20,000 babies. He has a family too, mind you. He has killed an entire city worth of innocent children. How do you picture this?
"Daddy! What did you do at work today?"
"Oh, hi, little Billy! I killed 27 babies."
"Yay, I want be like you when I grow up!"
Completely devoid of conscience, pity, sorrow, remorse, and emotion. Personally, I picture it quite like A Nazi who works at Auschwitz, slaughtering Jews. All you have to do it replace the word babies with Jews!

Also, Steen. All you do is just call his posts emotional crap. You never actually justify abortion. All you do is assume that emotion and morals are wrong.
Do you honestly believe that we should have absolutely no emotion whatsoever and should streamline everything in order to achieve maximum efficiency?
Oh wait! Murdering babies does not make anything more efficient! Why exactly is it that you support abortion in the first place?
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Some_Guy said:
You claim that you are "pro-choice". That is kind of hypocritical and contradictive in my opinion.
Just like when we look at literal expressions of “prolife." Are you REALLY going down the silly road of trying for the misrepresentation of others here?
Does the baby have the choice to live or die?
There is no baby and no sentience which is necessary to make a "choice."

But yes, it sure seems like you do want to go down that road. Very well, tit-for-tat, right? Prolifers are into enslaving and looking for fault, and they also eat food, so they are not prolife. They are pro-fault. Calling yourself prolife is kind of hypocritical and contradictive in my opinion.

Golly-gee, that sure was fun, wasn't it? Any more immature and irrelevant tangents you want to go down?
Also, I have read an article about an abortion doctor who has killed 20,000 babies.
Really? Why are you sitting here, then? If you have knowledge of babies being killed, you need to call the police and report it. After all, if you have knowledge of such a crime and don't report it, you could be considered an accomplice and participating in cover-up.
He has a family too, mind you. He has killed an entire city worth of innocent children. How do you picture this?
Hmm, killing babies and children. Now, what does that have to do with abortions of embryos and fetuses, anyway? Would you mind not running off on such silly and irrelevant tangents?
"Daddy! What did you do at work today?"
"Oh, hi, little Billy! I killed 27 babies."
Yes, sure sounds like an ad hominem here. How lame.
"Yay, I want be like you when I grow up!"
Personally, I picture it slightly like Hitler. Completely devoid of conscience, pity, sorrow, remorse, and emotion.
Oh, back to that idea? Well, prolifers want to enslave women. They are like the plantation owners of the 1800's.

(Golly gee again, isn't this fun?)
Also, Steen. All you do is just call his posts emotional crap.
But it IS just emotional crap. Why shouldn't I point out what it is? Are you saying that I shouldn't expose prolife emotional crap for what it is, just because I might hurt the feeling of the one posting the emotional crap?
You never actually justify abortion.
I don't need to. But I have done so elsewhere. The woman doesn't want her bodily resources used by the embryo or fetus. There! That is all the justification needed. Case closed. Now let’s move on.
All you do is assume that emotion and morals are wrong.
Nope. When do you guys figure out that it is silly to make claims about what I think, believe or assume. Trying to attribute such to me merely ends up you being shown that you are wrong. No, I don't assume what you claim I assume. Your claim is false.

(Golly gee again. Yes, that sure was fun and productive, wasn't it?)
Do you honestly believe that we should have absolutely no emotion whatsoever
and should streamline everything in order to achieve maximum efficiency?
Oh wait! Murdering babies does not make anything more efficient!
Ah, more irrelevant, revisionist linguistic, prolife emotional claptrap.
Why exactly is it that you support abortion in the first place?
Because the woman is not a slave and has the right to control her bodily resources. Didn't you know this? After all, that is the main issue for pro-choice. Are you THAT ignorant of what you are arguing against? Are you that much focused only on emotions and never even bothered with facts?
Basically, what you do is dismiss my arguments with a series of immature comments and insults.

Prolife does not mean that we oppose killing in all forms. We must kill animals and plants and eat them. However, prolifers oppose the slaughter of unborn babies FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN IMMATURITY AND IRRESPONSIBILITY.

Also, how do you know that unborn babies do not have the right and are unable to make choices? Do you think, that if they were able to express their opinions, they would like to die?

Also, about this "enslavement" crap. This is completely untrue. Want to know why? It's because women are not FORCED into becoming pregnant! They CHOOSE to have sex and therefore have kids. They are not enslaved by not killing their babies. The ones who get pregnant and wish to kill their kids are slaves only to their own immaturity! The only way to solve this without making the innocent unborn babies pay for their moms' irresponsibility is to make the moms learn the tough way to abstain until they are ready to support a child.
I have a question for my liberal friends.................If the baby in the womb is not life then why is it a federal crime when someones murders a pregnant woman why is he or she charged with a double murder?:confused:
Navy Pride said:
I have a question for my liberal friends.................If the baby in the womb is not life then why is it a federal crime when someones murders a pregnant woman why is he or she charged with a double murder?:confused:

Because your legal system is full of stupid contradictions?

We don't have that problem in Australia or Europe.

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