Some_Guy said:
You claim that you are "pro-choice". That is kind of hypocritical and contradictive in my opinion.
Just like when we look at literal expressions of “prolife." Are you REALLY going down the silly road of trying for the misrepresentation of others here?
Does the baby have the choice to live or die?
There is no baby and no sentience which is necessary to make a "choice."
But yes, it sure seems like you do want to go down that road. Very well, tit-for-tat, right? Prolifers are into enslaving and looking for fault, and they also eat food, so they are not prolife. They are pro-fault. Calling yourself prolife is kind of hypocritical and contradictive in my opinion.
Golly-gee, that sure was fun, wasn't it? Any more immature and irrelevant tangents you want to go down?
Also, I have read an article about an abortion doctor who has killed 20,000 babies.
Really? Why are you sitting here, then? If you have knowledge of babies being killed, you need to call the police and report it. After all, if you have knowledge of such a crime and don't report it, you could be considered an accomplice and participating in cover-up.
He has a family too, mind you. He has killed an entire city worth of innocent children. How do you picture this?
Hmm, killing babies and children. Now, what does that have to do with abortions of embryos and fetuses, anyway? Would you mind not running off on such silly and irrelevant tangents?
"Daddy! What did you do at work today?"
"Oh, hi, little Billy! I killed 27 babies."
Yes, sure sounds like an ad hominem here. How lame.
"Yay, I want be like you when I grow up!"
Personally, I picture it slightly like Hitler. Completely devoid of conscience, pity, sorrow, remorse, and emotion.
Oh, back to that idea? Well, prolifers want to enslave women. They are like the plantation owners of the 1800's.
(Golly gee again, isn't this fun?)
Also, Steen. All you do is just call his posts emotional crap.
But it IS just emotional crap. Why shouldn't I point out what it is? Are you saying that I shouldn't expose prolife emotional crap for what it is, just because I might hurt the feeling of the one posting the emotional crap?
You never actually justify abortion.
I don't need to. But I have done so elsewhere.
The woman doesn't want her bodily resources used by the embryo or fetus. There! That is all the justification needed. Case closed. Now let’s move on.
All you do is assume that emotion and morals are wrong.
Nope. When do you guys figure out that it is silly to make claims about what I think, believe or assume. Trying to attribute such to me merely ends up you being shown that you are wrong. No, I don't assume what you claim I assume. Your claim is false.
(Golly gee again. Yes, that sure was fun and productive, wasn't it?)
Do you honestly believe that we should have absolutely no emotion whatsoever
and should streamline everything in order to achieve maximum efficiency?
Oh wait! Murdering babies does not make anything more efficient!
Ah, more irrelevant, revisionist linguistic, prolife emotional claptrap.
Why exactly is it that you support abortion in the first place?
Because the woman is not a slave and has the right to control her bodily resources. Didn't you know this? After all, that is the main issue for pro-choice. Are you THAT ignorant of what you are arguing against? Are you that much focused only on emotions and never even bothered with facts?