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A Pack Of Clinton's Please? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2005
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in the middle of America
Political Leaning
The Guangzhou Haokian Bio-science company of China is manufacturing a new CONDOM and is going to come out with two versions.

The first version will be named in honor of our former President and will be called the KELITUN (Clinton) and the second version will be called the LAIWENSIJI (Lewinsky). I'm not making this up folks. A twelve pack of Clintons will go for 5 bucks; sorry 5 dollars and the Lewinskys will sell at a bargain 3 dollars.

The company General Manager told Sky News that it's perfectly legal to use surnames for naming the condom line saying it's using "trademarks of two foreign surnames and can't be seen as a violation of rights."

As for what the ex-president thinks, has anyone ever known? Oh and Hillary hasn't been found yet or asked for comments. Leaves me wondering about the jingle writers.
:duel :cool:
If I was president and I had a condom named after me, I would be honored.

Just curious though, where are you getting all of this from?
I would rather have a pack of Clinton's than a pack of Bush's.
FinnMacCool said:
If I was president and I had a condom named after me, I would be honored.

Just curious though, where are you getting all of this from?

Man, you guys wanting links links links, sheesh. I suppose I have to take you by the hand and..... no, wait. If you think a President would or should be honored to have a condom named after him, I'm not going to hold your hand.

Sky News. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wash up for dinner.
:duel :cool:
FinnMacCool said:
jesus it takes you 5 seconds to post a link. you don't even have to get off your ass.. sheesh.

You leave my ass out of this. He's tied up at the fence jawbonin with the cow next door. Don't say anything but I think he might score. Anyone got a Clinton? :duel :cool:
FinnMacCool said:
If I was president and I had a condom named after me, I would be honored.

Yep, the person who invented the condom should have his statue erected all over the world.
kal-el said:
Yep, the person who invented the condom should have his statue erected all over the world.

Statue 'erected?' Was that a pun?

As far as presidential condoms, with all the leaks in the White house, who would trust a Bush condom?
Hoot said:
Statue 'erected?' Was that a pun?

Not entirely, the condom is the best invention since the automobile. It allows two people to have inhibitive sex.

As far as presidential condoms, with all the leaks in the White house, who would trust a Bush condom?

Yea, I wouldn't trust a Bush condom at all.
kal-el said:
Not entirely, the condom is the best invention since the automobile. It allows two people to have inhibitive sex.

Yea, I wouldn't trust a Bush condom at all.

You guys really miss the point. Partisan condoms? Democrats and Republicans rarely get it. THESE ARE CHINESE CONDOMS!!! Now. Do you want to trust them? :duel :cool:

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