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A Novel Idea (1 Viewer)

Quid Pro Quo

Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Fort Riley, KS
Political Leaning
Just had a thought after reading the meager postings of a certain 14 year old...why don't we have established members actually "sponsor" new members? They could be taught how to properly post, and have someone looking out for their best interests for the first few posts or so. Just an idea, nothing more.

And no, Galen and Teacher...you can't sponsor their basement trolling. I fear what a 14 year old would become in the hands of you two. And no to you too, Skil...we all know what would become of a 14 year old in your hands. Pedophile.
Why not make a rule stating you must have at least 100 posts before you can start a thread? It takes about that long before someone knows their way around anyway.
Because in all honesty, and just my two cents on vague's reason for starting this site, the purpose of DP is to garner debate and educate one another on a variety of issues. To silence anyone due to posting #'s ranks would be an adverse action to the purpose of the site as a whole.
But to have someone approach said new person, creates a sense of site unity...personability...and helps the new poster learn the ropes of this site...thus creating better debaters.
Eh, I don't even think a 14 year old should be in here, but that's just me....some do have a good logical brain, but lack knowledge and....
oh wait, some adults do too...nevermind....:mrgreen:
I, too, question the validity of a 14 year old's ideas...but having a 10 year old, if I were to close my ears to all he had to say...I'd extinguish both of our abilities to learn from one another.
What you say is true, and there obviously are no rules when it comes to post count. It's just in the way you look at new posters. Some people are not here to fit in, but to stand out. Eventually the act may wear thin, and they either leave or get banned. Or on a rare occassion, settle in and act responsibly. One thing is for sure, though: if you had a minimum post count before you can start threads, there would be minimum board disruption and the ones who will stay and grace the board with useful debate would not be suffering. There are more than enough topics for discussion here already for them.
Quid Pro Quo said:
I, too, question the validity of a 14 year old's ideas...but having a 10 year old, if I were to close my ears to all he had to say...I'd extinguish both of our abilities to learn from one another.
Very true...I have 2 13 year olds and in reading some things my son has said online in forums, it's hard to believe sometimes it's coming from a kid.
Now, if we could just get some of the adults I've seen on here to behave the same way....
Would it surprise any of you if I told you I was sixteen? It shouldn't since its written on my profile but there you have it.

I've always considered myself to be and I will ask you to forgive me if I seem a bit stuck up, a bit smarter then the average teenager. This is probably only because I have been exposed to more things when I was younger then I think others have.

That is why I am very strongly against disallowing those based on their age on these forums. Someone who is young has a lot to offer, if they can learn to act mature and make intelligent posts here. Hell, there are some people on here who are 40 that act like they are 9.

Just so long as they know the rules, I feel they should be allowed on these forums regardless.

As for your idea about sponsoring them, I do not think this is a terrible idea. It could work. You would have to go into a bit more detail about sponsoring someone though
FinnMacCool said:
Would it surprise any of you if I told you I was sixteen? It shouldn't since its written on my profile but there you have it.

I've always considered myself to be and I will ask you to forgive me if I seem a bit stuck up, a bit smarter then the average teenager. This is probably only because I have been exposed to more things when I was younger then I think others have.

That is why I am very strongly against disallowing those based on their age on these forums. Someone who is young has a lot to offer, if they can learn to act mature and make intelligent posts here. Hell, there are some people on here who are 40 that act like they are 9.

Just so long as they know the rules, I feel they should be allowed on these forums regardless.

As for your idea about sponsoring them, I do not think this is a terrible idea. It could work. You would have to go into a bit more detail about sponsoring someone though

I do not think we should ban anyone for any age, and also do not want this thread to deteriorate into such discussion.

Sponsoring someone, let's see if I can get my brain and fingers to work together here...

Person A comes in. 14 Years Old. Shows he likes to post, although his postings are usually 2 sentences and chalk full of misspellings. For the sake of making a point, I will use you Finn. Finn, being a seasoned poster and a member of the Sponsorship Team, PM's Person A and introduces himself, welcomes him to DP, and instructs Person A that he, Finn, will be assisting him over the next week or so on how to operate DP and post in it's many debates. Thus, a relationship is began and Person A feels 1)A part of the forum, 2) Has a friend, 3) Is more eager to learn for both of previous reasons, 4) Isn't a "brat" poster, or atleast we hope.

That's my idea.
I gave this site to a friend of mine and he said he could not register without my forum name as a reference. Isn't that akin to sponsorship? Could that work as such?
I know I didn't have a reference. But if he selected the 'Reference' button on "How did you find this site?", it may require him to actually put in the name there.

No, it isn't akin to the type of sponsorship I am speaking of...simply because alot of people come to this site through banners or Google, therefor don't have a reference.

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