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A must see for climate alarmist (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Political Leaning
Take an hour and get educated. This will hopefully aleve some of your fears and alert you to some of the lies you've bern told. For instance the lie that " earths temperature has never changed this fast before ". Actually it's changed 16 degrees Fahrenheit over fifty years way before the industrial revolution. Enjoy.

Take an hour and get educated. This will hopefully aleve some of your fears and alert you to some of the lies you've bern told. For instance the lie that " earths temperature has never changed this fast before ". Actually it's changed 16 degrees Fahrenheit over fifty years way before the industrial revolution. Enjoy.

This does not address the climate alarmist's concerns about MANmade change
This does not address the climate alarmist's concerns about MANmade change
It addresses at least one of the main talking points of alarmist that earth temperature has never changed this fast before. Actually it's changed much much faster than now.
It addresses at least one of the main talking points of alarmist that earth temperature has never changed this fast before. Actually it's changed much much faster than now.
That is not a main point of the "alarmists".......................it must involve MAN's effect...........
That is not a main point of the "alarmists".......................it must involve MAN's effect...........
Just saying that some of the warming since 1978 is from human activity, does not mean much, or that we should do more than we currently are about it! We do not really have a good idea of even the CO2 contribution, and the contribution from the clearing of aerosols, is a good thing!
Take an hour and get educated. This will hopefully aleve some of your fears and alert you to some of the lies you've bern told. For instance the lie that " earths temperature has never changed this fast before ". Actually it's changed 16 degrees Fahrenheit over fifty years way before the industrial revolution. Enjoy.

Do you have a time stamp for this specific topic?

"here's a rapid change in temperature that caused mass extinctions"

"Why are you liberals so concerned about rapid changes in temperature!?"
Why am I wrong in assuming that the right opposes the notion of human caused climate change and its possible negative effects because they oppose regulation as a matter of principle? Even oil companies seem to accept the evidence, and they should be the last entities to do so. If it's wrong, present your evidence when the GOP takes over Congress next year, get published in scientific journals, go to the next climate summit and end all this foolishness.

To get perspective, keep reminding yourself that tobacco companies minimized the danger of their product, that auto companies attacked Ralph Nader for his analysis of auto safety, that some mine owners minimized the problem of black lung disease, etc.
It addresses at least one of the main talking points of alarmist that earth temperature has never changed this fast before. Actually it's changed much much faster than now.
Are you sure that you watched the video?
Probably when the asteroid hit 65 million years ago the global temperature rose faster for a little while but then it must have dropped for months or years afterwards.
Are you sure that you watched the video?
Probably when the asteroid hit 65 million years ago the global temperature rose faster for a little while but then it must have dropped for months or years afterwards.

Five years old:

For the first time, researchers have developed a mathematical equation to describe the impact of human activity on the earth, finding people are causing the climate to change 170 times faster than natural forces.

The equation was developed in conjunction with Professor Will Steffen, a climate change expert and researcher at the Australian National University, and was published in the journal The Anthropocene Review.

Climate change deniers don't care what happens to the planet in 50 to 100 years. The conservative / libertarian ideology is based on immediate gratification and selfishness.
Do you have a time stamp for this specific topic?
Take an hour and watch the entire thing. Fascinating and you'll learn alot. The rapidity of climate changes in the past is just one of many fascinating bits of information contained in the video. It's well worth the time.
Why am I wrong in assuming that the right opposes the notion of human caused climate change and its possible negative effects because they oppose regulation as a matter of principle? Even oil companies seem to accept the evidence, and they should be the last entities to do so. If it's wrong, present your evidence when the GOP takes over Congress next year, get published in scientific journals, go to the next climate summit and end all this foolishness.

To get perspective, keep reminding yourself that tobacco companies minimized the danger of their product, that auto companies attacked Ralph Nader for his analysis of auto safety, that some mine owners minimized the problem of black lung disease, etc.
Data is not political!
The observed data does not support the catastrophic predictions!
The tobacco company analogy is not valid because the oil companies know that using oil to make fuel has a limited life! They will still make fuel, just not from oil.
so made up fantasy memes . . got it, thats what i figured
LOL theyre on record for saying those things, but we get it, you idolize them and think they know better.
LOL theyre on record for saying those things,
Who is on record saying those things?
but we get it, you idolize them and think they know better.
Hey look and tinfoil hat retarded lie as usual making your post look even more stupidLMAO I love it
Take an hour and get educated. This will hopefully aleve some of your fears and alert you to some of the lies you've bern told. For instance the lie that " earths temperature has never changed this fast before ". Actually it's changed 16 degrees Fahrenheit over fifty years way before the industrial revolution. Enjoy.

There is something you should know about Louis Agassiz, this video only touched on it.

Besides being an avowed bigot, and abject hater of Charles Darwin, Agassiz was an evangelist who believed that God used reoccurring ice-ages to completely wipe out humanity and start all over again. His Thayer Expedition in 1865, and the Hassler Expedition in 1871, both of them to Brazil, was specifically to prove that theory. This is when so-called scientists imagined their own theories first, then went seeking the evidence to support it, also known as determinism. Which is as anti-science as it gets.

The Quaternary Ice-Age is the fifth ice-age in Earth's 4.5 billion year history, and it began 2.58 million years ago. What the video does not mention is that ice-ages are comprised of repeating cycles of long glacial periods followed by brief interglacial periods. There have been just over 50 of these 100,000+ year-long glacial periods, with interglacial periods lasting between 5,000 and 25,000 years.

The last period of glaciation began 115,000 years ago, peaked between 23,000 and 27,000 years ago, and ended 11,700 years ago. The Holocene Interglacial period began 11,700 years ago. The previous interglacial period was called the Eemian, and it lasted from 130,000 to 115,000 years ago. It was also warmer than the Holocene has been. The Holocene Interglacial has been the coldest of the last four interglacial periods.

Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica - Nature, Volume 399, pages 429–436 (1999) [free preprint]
Just saying that some of the warming since 1978 is from human activity, does not mean much, or that we should do more than we currently are about it! We do not really have a good idea of even the CO2 contribution, and the contribution from the clearing of aerosols, is a good thing!
Do you have a credible source that claims there has been any warming on a global scale as a result of human activity?

If you do please post it, because I haven't found any and I've looked.
Take an hour and get educated. This will hopefully aleve some of your fears and alert you to some of the lies you've bern told. For instance the lie that " earths temperature has never changed this fast before ". Actually it's changed 16 degrees Fahrenheit over fifty years way before the industrial revolution. Enjoy.

What caused the climate changes then? What is causing climate change now? Can you answer those questions? If not, we simply can’t take you seriously.
It addresses at least one of the main talking points of alarmist that earth temperature has never changed this fast before. Actually it's changed much much faster than now.

No one has ever said that “temperature has never changed this fast before”. That you have to depend on a strawman falsehood pretty much undercuts your entire narrative.
Just saying that some of the warming since 1978 is from human activity, does not mean much, or that we should do more than we currently are about it! We do not really have a good idea of even the CO2 contribution, and the contribution from the clearing of aerosols, is a good thing!

Common denier talking point. *YAWN*
Do you have a credible source that claims there has been any warming on a global scale as a result of human activity?

If you do please post it, because I haven't found any and I've looked.
We could have the role CO2 plays completely wrong, but without considering secondary effects, it looks like CO2 would absorb
some of the IR emitted from everything, in the first few meters, and then pass that energy off to other atmospheric components.
The problem with the classical role, is that the CERES IR flux, shows the energy imbalance is in the visible spectrum, not in the IR.
The outgoing IR , that should decreasing, is in fact increasing slightly.
There is something going on that we are not accounting for!

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