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A look at the ongoing "Islamification" of France (1 Viewer)

This is what Multiculturalism was all about, with obscene open-door immigration as its fuel. Never mind the implication that it's merely about a few sundry foreigners living alongside an indigenous people under the same cultural system. It can only result in abject colonisation by those with the doctrine to call for it. And when Paris (or any other city) is majority Muslim then the REAL domination will begin. (It only requires a handful of nutty extremists at the head for the other more docile Muslims to meekly follow.)

It's a misplaced feeling of liberal 'guilt' which allows our only Europe to be flooded and changed beyond all recognition by these population displacements.

Europe and the West are unique. Our hemisphere is being partitioned and portioned out to whichever large groups wish to impose their own cultural ghettos, ENCOURAGED and INSTIGATED by our national 'leaders'. And we're run by masters who would slander their own people as racist or hateful to ponder or protest. (Indeed, kangaroo courts are even convened.)

We're often told that all world cultures are equal in their diversity. But the question has to be asked - how is it only the advanced and tolerant West which is at the sharp end of these cultural and demographic upheavals, if everywhere else is just as good?


Shepherds vs Their Lambs:

'RACIST' KIDS OF THE NEO-LIBERAL STATE: Three-year-olds accused of racism by teachers - ParentDish - UK

Blame whitey to keep him in check: Toddlers who dislike spicy food racist, say report - Telegraph
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Christian Broadcasting Network ... :lol:
Christian Broadcasting Network ... :lol:

Were you expecting Al Jazeera?

Do you believe that this event was staged by the CBN?
In other news, the destruction of all things Islamic daily newspaper has revealed Germany will be an Islamic republic by 2012, and that was the actual Mayan prophecy of the end of the world. :lol:
Were you expecting Al Jazeera?

Do you believe that this event was staged by the CBN?

So Al Jazeera is a biased pro-Palestinian news outlet and the CBN is of sound reliability. Yeah right.
Do you believe that this event was staged by the CBN?

They sure did hire a lot of actors.

Must have cost them a fortune.
Christian Broadcasting Network ...

Dismiss the messenger if the message can't be rebutted - classic smear tactic.
We're often told that all world cultures are equal in their diversity. But the question has to be asked - how is it only the advanced and tolerant West which is at the sharp end of these cultural and demographic upheavals, if everywhere else is just as good?

Dont be so quick to judge the West as being so far ahead of everyone else in the world, other cultures may be lacking in some areas but they have key strengths and advantages in many others.
In other news, the destruction of all things Islamic daily newspaper has revealed Germany will be an Islamic republic by 2012, and that was the actual Mayan prophecy of the end of the world. :lol:

As I said, Europe has become tired, soft, unwilling to fight for what they have. The needed our protection from the USSR following WWII, but they grew dependent on it. For all those reasons, I don't think they will mount an effective fight to save themselves from Islam.

Again, if you fail to defend your culture, beliefs, and society aginst this predatory and aggressive medieval cult, then you don't deserve to exist as free men. Anything that you cannot (or will not) protect, isn't going to remain yours for long.
As I said, Europe has become tired, soft, unwilling to fight for what they have. The needed our protection from the USSR following WWII, but they grew dependent on it. For all those reasons, I don't think they will mount an effective fight to save themselves from Islam. [/qupte]

Actually, we are winning the fight; the fight for the establishment of a society that respects the values of both Islam and Christianity, the fight to live in a cosmopolitan society and Democracy, and the fight for religious freedom. Your racist/racially prejudice views have been spreading like cancer in the US.

[qupte]Again, if you fail to defend your culture, beliefs, and society aginst this predatory and aggressive medieval cult, then you don't deserve to exist as free men. Anything that you cannot (or will not) protect, isn't going to remain yours for long.

The moderate/secular aspects of the Islamic community have no connection with an aggressive medieval cult.
The moderate/secular aspects of the Islamic community have no connection with an aggressive medieval cult.

There is no such thing as a moderate/secular aspect to the community according to people like Ric.

We all are hidden terrorists, we're just undercover :shrug:
There is no such thing as a moderate/secular aspect to the community according to people like Ric.

We all are hidden terrorists, we're just undercover :shrug:

OMG are you serious? :lol:

Laila your a Muslim and to be frank with you, your more rational and down to earth than 99,9% of the retards who post in these pro-tea bagging (i mean party) anti-second amendment right wing nut job threads. At least that's what i have gathered from a significant number of your posts.
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The moderate/secular aspects of the Islamic community have no connection with an aggressive medieval cult.

There is no ignoring the demographics, and there is no sugarcoating them either. Muslim immigrant populations are rising all over Europe, and traditional European Christian populations are declining as secular progressive ideas about faith and family have spread.

In their attempts to become "tolerant" multicultural societies they have eroded their own foundationms - which are faith and family - to the point that they can no longer sustain themselves. A society that rejects parenthood as a virtue and encourages euthanasia and abortion as "choice" is a society that is "tolerant" of its own death. They are also unable to keep the "barbarians" at bay due to their own multicultural impulses and their desire to be "tolerant".

This is pure liberalism run amok, and it is going to destroy them in the end.
There is no ignoring the demographics, and there is no sugarcoating them either. Muslim immigrant populations are rising all over Europe, and traditional European Christian populations are declining as secular progressive ideas about faith and family have spread.

So you favour Theocratic Christian regimes who are intolerant to other religions? Who is the REAL radical and aggressive follower of a medieval cult here?

In their attempts to become "tolerant" multicultural societies they have eroded their own foundationms - which are faith and family - to the point that they can no longer sustain themselves. A society that rejects parenthood as a virtue and encourages euthanasia and abortion as "choice" is a society that is "tolerant" of its own death. They are also unable to keep the "barbarians" at bay due to their own multicultural impulses and their desire to be "tolerant".

I dont know about the US, but our family values are perfectly respectable here in Europe.

Oppresive conservatism and social heirachy for the sexes = acceptable
Equal and accepting household = liberalism run amok

I dont think so.
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There is no such thing as a moderate/secular aspect to the community according to people like Ric.

We all are hidden terrorists, we're just undercover :shrug:

I can't have peace with a people who desire to kill or subjugate me because I don't believe in their God.
There is no ignoring the demographics, and there is no sugarcoating them either. Muslim immigrant populations are rising all over Europe, and traditional European Christian populations are declining as secular progressive ideas about faith and family have spread.

In their attempts to become "tolerant" multicultural societies they have eroded their own foundationms - which are faith and family - to the point that they can no longer sustain themselves. A society that rejects parenthood as a virtue and encourages euthanasia and abortion as "choice" is a society that is "tolerant" of its own death. They are also unable to keep the "barbarians" at bay due to their own multicultural impulses and their desire to be "tolerant".

This is pure liberalism run amok, and it is going to destroy them in the end.

Are you suggesting Godlessness is the cause of their demographic problems?
OMG are you serious? :lol:

Laila your a Muslim and to be frank with you, your more rational and down to earth than 99,9% of the retards who post in these pro-tea bagging (i mean party) anti-second amendment right wing nut job threads. At least that's what i have gathered from a significant number of your posts.

Seriously. You have not missed much on your break except the breakdown of Sgt and a influx of amusing right wingers.

Ah well.
From what I have learned on this forum, any moderate or "rational" Muslim is only putting on an act to lull Non Muslims into a false sense of security so we can then take over Europe. You shouldn't fall for my act of sanity :roll:
There is no ignoring the demographics, and there is no sugarcoating them either. Muslim immigrant populations are rising all over Europe, and traditional European Christian populations are declining as secular progressive ideas about faith and family have spread.

LOL @ Christian.

Is that what pisses you off deep down.
That Europeans have gotten rid of Christianity as a whole and embraced secularism. You wish for what? Europeans to be as religious as they used to be so they can get rid of those pesky Muslims who still cling onto faith.
I can't have peace with a people who desire to kill or subjugate me because I don't believe in their God.

Then you are misinformed, for nowhere in the Quaran does it actually advocate the killing of non-Muslims. Use your brain. How would Western access to the East in terms of immigration/tourism/business even EXIST if that was the case. Lift your veil of ignorance. :lamo
I can't have peace with a people who desire to kill or subjugate me because I don't believe in their God.

You are not worthy of any Muslims time love. Sorry.

I wouldn't kill you if someone paid me. You are just not worth the punishment of eternity in hell.

Talk about self importance.
You are not worthy of any Muslims time love. Sorry.

I wouldn't kill you if someone paid me. You are just not worth the punishment of eternity in hell.

Talk about self importance.

I think its because you secretely fancy him. Shhhh. My secret. :lol:
I think its because you secretely fancy him. Shhhh. My secret. :lol:

Pfft. No doubt he has a obsession with Muslims.

I'm flattered he spends so much time talking about my religion.
He's free to crush on me however much he wants as well :2wave:
Pfft. No doubt he has a obsession with Muslims.

I'm flattered he spends so much time talking about my religion.
He's free to crush on me however much he wants as well :2wave:
Wait, I thought I called dibs already? :(
Pfft. No doubt he has a obsession with Muslims.

I'm flattered he spends so much time talking about my religion.
He's free to crush on me however much he wants as well :2wave:

:rofl :rofl

Nice one! :lol:

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