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A little Thread of Recent Good News for Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2011
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SF Bay Area
Political Leaning

Yes...the following is good news, Russian public no longer trusted:

It seems that Ukraine is getting all the technical support they need and a large part of their population is willing to fight. Why do people think they can't win? No way Russia could commit the amount of troops it would take to fully invade the Ukraine.
It seems that Ukraine is getting all the technical support they need and a large part of their population is willing to fight. Why do people think they can't win? No way Russia could commit the amount of troops it would take to fully invade the Ukraine.

Well, they are getting the man portable stuff. And they did replenish some of their aircraft losses with a recent delivery of 70 Mig 29s from a former Warsaw pact nation. What they could really use are some large - 300 anti-aircraft and anti-cruise missile systems, although it isn't clear who may have them to give.

Also more Turkish drones. The big problem with larger systems is that they have to be Russian/Soviet made, the Ukrainians aren't familiar or trained on western systems.

Had they Iron Dome, wow. But they don't and its too late to train and use it, assuming Israel would cooperate.
the problem with this is that the more isolated he becomes, the more likely he is to press the red button.

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