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A little advice for democrats (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I don't know why I am doing it but I am going to give a little free advice to my democratic friends.........If you want to win back the presidency in 2008 you need to dump your left wing whacko leaders like Kennedy, Kerry, Dean and Hillary and pick some new leaders that are moderates like Bayh, Leiberman and Nelson from Nebraska..........The base of your party is from the far left and idolizes nutcases like Ward Chamberlain and Michael Moore.....When you move to the center you will attract moderate voters and maybe even some people of religion who hate your guts now............You have to be sincere though and not tell your usual lies to try and get votes.........No one except your nutty base believes them anyhow.............

Your party need to move back to the center and attract moderate voters......You need to come up with a policy on the war on terror and get over the idea that it is a sensitive war and needs to be fought as a police action...........

You need to quit criticizing President Bush....He has beat you *** 3 times and he can't run again........You need to come up with some ideas of your own on how to handle the issues...........

You need to support the troops in Iraq and the mission they are trying to accomplish......Just saying you do it is not enough........Its just a hollow sentence.........

I would love to vote for a democratic candidate for president again......That has not happened since 1964 but when you nominate nut cases like Gore and Kerry you make it impossible for me to do that.........

I give you this advice free of charge but I doubt very much if you will heed it........Oh well I tried..........
I find your notion and calling the Democratic Party as a "far-left wing" party quite idiotic. If they are even close to even a "middle left" I must be shooting way off the political spectrum, comparing that I am a "far-leftist". Also I do not even really agree they are much of a left-wing party anymore, they've gotten away from that since about a long time ago. I guess that's why they call a conservative close-minded, don't listen to no one, can't change any of their views because of immorality.
Comrade Brian said:
I find your notion and calling the Democratic Party as a "far-left wing" party quite idiotic. If they are even close to even a "middle left" I must be shooting way off the political spectrum, comparing that I am a "far-leftist". Also I do not even really agree they are much of a left-wing party anymore, they've gotten away from that since about a long time ago. I guess that's why they call a conservative close-minded, don't listen to no one, can't change any of their views because of immorality.

Your partys leaders are Dean, Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi and Reid and you idolize peiople like Michael Moore and you say that is not far left? My friend you live in a fantasy world if you really believe that but in your heart I doubt you do.......
Comrade Brian said:
can't change any of their views because of immorality.

Comrade Brian said:
I find your notion and calling the Democratic Party as a "far-left wing" party quite idiotic.

Howard Dean. LOL.
Man there are some ****ing morons on this thread.
Your partys leaders are Dean, Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi and Reid and you idolize peiople like Michael Moore and you say that is not far left? My friend you live in a fantasy world if you really believe that but in your heart I doubt you do.......
Howard Dean. LOL.
What the hell is all this "my party", I idolise this and that? I am independant of ALL political parties. I don't like the democratic party. Though if I did join a political party it would be SocialistAction anyway. Also Moore is a party-line hack.
Comrade Brian said:
Man there are some ****ing morons on this thread.

What the hell is all this "my party", I idolise this and that? I am independant of ALL political parties. I don't like the democratic party. Though if I did join a political party it would be SocialistAction anyway. Also Moore is a party-line hack.

Then NP's thread doesn't apply to you.
Comrade Brian said:
Man there are some ****ing morons on this thread.

What the hell is all this "my party", I idolise this and that? I am independant of ALL political parties. I don't like the democratic party. Though if I did join a political party it would be SocialistAction anyway. Also Moore is a party-line hack.

You are defending the dem party.........we are responding to your defense......
Navy Pride said:
You are defending the dem party.........we are responding to your defense......

No I didn't, I just simply said that I don't even view at as much of a "left-wing" party anymore, which in my opinion isn't defending much more like criticising. And all you and FT came up with was "you adore and idolise Moore, Clinton, and Dean", and then claimed I was a member of the Democratic Party. Wasn't much of a response.

Also I doubt any real Democrats will respond to this thread.
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Comrade Brian said:
No I didn't, I just simply said that I don't even view at as much of a "left-wing" party anymore, which in my opinion isn't defending much more like criticising. And all you and FT came up with was "you adore and idolise Moore, Clinton, and Dean", and then claimed I was a member of the Democratic Party. Wasn't much of a response.

Also I doubt any real Democrats will respond to this thread.

Bottom line when democratic leaders don't condemn the outrageous statements of Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan it shows how far the party has been pushed to the left........

In addition when your party promotes far left libs like Gore and Kerry for president it is more proof of that......

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