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A LIST of Organizations Cutting Ties W/ Russia. (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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Nothing say$ Screw U more than breaking way from Putin.

Read the article for many more who are ditching the BASTARD.

Video Games

Electronic Arts Inc. is removing Russian and Belarussian teams from its NHL 22 video games, and Russian teams from FIFA 22.

Film Studios

Walt Disney Co., Sony Corp., and AT&T Inc.’s WarnerMedia have paused the theatrical release of films in Russia including Pixar’s “Turning Red,” Sony’s “Morbius,” and Warner Bros.’ “The Batman.” Paramount Pictures said it would delay the Russian debuts of its films “The Lost City” and “Sonic the Hedgehog 2.” Universal Pictures, a unit of Comcast Corp., joined in the suspensions on March 1.

The Cannes Film Festival is blocking Russian delegations from attending its festivities in May.


Netflix Inc. has paused all projects and acquisitions from Russia, including four Russian originals in production, according to Variety. The streaming platform has also said it will not be carrying required Russian news channels on its local language service in Russia. National Association of Broadcasters has asked U.S. companies to cease carrying Russian state-owned media. Roku and DirecTV have dropped the Russian news network RT.

And it would be even greater if all decent politicians in the world absolutely refused to deal with that [insert your favorite pejorative noun] who started this vicious and disgusting war.

No decent politician should visit him or shake his blood-stained hands.

He should be a pariah and an outcast until the day he leaves this earth.
Not on the list:
US and EU energy imports from Russia
SWIFT for key Russian banks.
Nezi policies reloaded. People getting punished for belonging to a certain nationality/ethnicity. Nothing was learned from history, on the contrary, besides this nazi crap, false accusations abound(American habit)
Not on the list:
US and EU energy imports from Russia
SWIFT for key Russian banks.

The US will have a much easier time shedding Russian fossil-fuels than Europe. But it is doable - and must be done.

Your SWIFT point is not exactly truthful. The two Russian banks that accept payments for exported fuels must reamain technally able to process digital payments.

The other main Rusian banks are cut off from SWIFT.

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