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A Judge Uses Tucker Carlson’s Own Words Against Fox News (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
This is an interesting development.

It could be that tucker carlson will help Smartmatic win the lawsuit against fox news and some of their hosts.

The judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against fox and some of it's hosts but did remove one host and sidney powell from the lawsuit.

fox is going to appeal.

However, the judge sited tucker carlson's own words and show to not dismiss the suit on the network and some of their hosts.

The judge also sited emails that show that fox did know that the claims about the election being rigged and Smartmatic cheating were false but didn't give that information to some of their hosts.

It will be interesting to see how all this works out.

This is an interesting development.

It could be that tucker carlson will help Smartmatic win the lawsuit against fox news and some of their hosts.

The judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against fox and some of it's hosts but did remove one host and sidney powell from the lawsuit.

fox is going to appeal.

However, the judge sited tucker carlson's own words and show to not dismiss the suit on the network and some of their hosts.

The judge also sited emails that show that fox did know that the claims about the election being rigged and Smartmatic cheating were false but didn't give that information to some of their hosts.

It will be interesting to see how all this works out.

And, the reason that Sydney Powel was removed is the judge said it was not in his jurisdiction. So, that cna be reinstated in a different court
On one hand, you want to celebrate that this country's domestic enemies are so ****ing dumb. On the other hand, you want to cry that these shameless traitors are our neighbors, relatives and co-workers.

They, the conservative flag-wavers, gladly shit on democracy in the service of Trump, a pathetic, demagogue and traitor. How low these idiots have gone in their thirst for power.
This is an interesting development.

It could be that tucker carlson will help Smartmatic win the lawsuit against fox news and some of their hosts.

The judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against fox and some of it's hosts but did remove one host and sidney powell from the lawsuit.

fox is going to appeal.

However, the judge sited tucker carlson's own words and show to not dismiss the suit on the network and some of their hosts.

The judge also sited emails that show that fox did know that the claims about the election being rigged and Smartmatic cheating were false but didn't give that information to some of their hosts.

It will be interesting to see how all this works out.

My inner grammer nazi is triggered by your use of "sited" instead of "cited", despite me knowing exactly what you meant.
My inner grammer nazi is triggered by your use of "sited" instead of "cited", despite me knowing exactly what you meant.

Sorry. I've never been the best speller.

I'm glad you were able to understand what I typed.
My inner grammer nazi is triggered by your use of "sited" instead of "cited", despite me knowing exactly what you meant.
"Grammar" not "grammer". Also, like it or not, "Nazi" is a proper noun and thus should be capitalized.

I just can't resist some times.
$2.7 billion

Now that will put a crimp in Rupert Murdoch pocketbook

Wonder what he will spend defending the lying assholes?
I'll be interested in hearing Kyle Rittenhouse's view on this the next time he appears on Fox News.
"Grammar" not "grammer". Also, like it or not, "Nazi" is a proper noun and thus should be capitalized.

I just can't resist some times.
I considered capitalizing it, but decided not to.
$2.7 billion

Now that will put a crimp in Rupert Murdoch pocketbook

Wonder what he will spend defending the lying assholes?
dont feel sorry for the guy who was first to get vaccinated and made his corp carbon neutral by buying carbon credits. His marks will never stop buying his BS,
This is so ridiculous that it would be an embarrassment to an actual news organization.
Fox News lies about the election did work though. Some dumbasses are still repeating those lies.
Fox News lies about the election did work though. Some dumbasses are still repeating those lies.

Now, Fox is pushing a “Kid’s Guide to Trump’s Greatest Achievements”, for a donation, of course.,
Fox News lies about the election did work though. Some dumbasses are still repeating those lies.
That's how Faux News operates. They know they're lying, but propaganda is often not true. It's just getting it out there and letting it soak into the gullible minds of the Faux News rubes. Then, even when proven to be a lie, the Faux News minions still believe it.
This is an interesting development.

It could be that tucker carlson will help Smartmatic win the lawsuit against fox news and some of their hosts.

The judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against fox and some of it's hosts but did remove one host and sidney powell from the lawsuit.

fox is going to appeal.

However, the judge sited tucker carlson's own words and show to not dismiss the suit on the network and some of their hosts.

The judge also sited emails that show that fox did know that the claims about the election being rigged and Smartmatic cheating were false but didn't give that information to some of their hosts.

It will be interesting to see how all this works out.

Giuliani, especially, will need to sell a lot more t-shirts. I hope this breaks most of them, but Murdoch will be OK and he may shield most of the others.
This is an interesting development.

It could be that tucker carlson will help Smartmatic win the lawsuit against fox news and some of their hosts.

The judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against fox and some of it's hosts but did remove one host and sidney powell from the lawsuit.

fox is going to appeal.

However, the judge sited tucker carlson's own words and show to not dismiss the suit on the network and some of their hosts.

The judge also sited emails that show that fox did know that the claims about the election being rigged and Smartmatic cheating were false but didn't give that information to some of their hosts.

It will be interesting to see how all this works out.

“Even assuming that Fox News did not intentionally allow this false narrative to be broadcasted, there is a substantial basis for plaintiffs’ claim that, at a minimum, Fox News turned a blind eye to a litany of outrageous claims about plaintiffs, unprecedented in the history of American elections, so inherently improbable that it evinced a reckless disregard for the truth,” Cohen wrote.

Even the mere possibility that FOX could lose billions in a lawsuit because of Tucker (their biggest cash cow) is enough to make anyone laugh.

You smear yourself in shit long enough, sooner or later someone's going to point out that you stink.

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