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A joke for Navy Pride (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Political Leaning
A while Back, some congressmen were making an inspection of one of our aircraft carriers, which had been off the coast of Iraq since the war began. When the congressmen arrived, the skipper brought all the men out and lined them up in several rows at attention. As the congressmen passed by, the men were ordered at ease, at which point the congressmen noted that the men in all the rows except the first row were grabbing the butts of the men in front of them and feeling them up. Shocked, the congressmen demanded that the skipper do something about this outrageous behavior. The skipper then barked out "All right men, form a circle and give the guys in front a chance." :)
danarhea said:
A while Back, some congressmen were making an inspection of one of our aircraft carriers, which had been off the coast of Iraq since the war began. When the congressmen arrived, the skipper brought all the men out and lined them up in several rows at attention. As the congressmen passed by, the men were ordered at ease, at which point the congressmen noted that the men in all the rows except the first row were grabbing the butts of the men in front of them and feeling them up. Shocked, the congressmen demanded that the skipper do something about this outrageous behavior. The skipper then barked out "All right men, form a circle and give the guys in front a chance." :)

OMG - you'll have him ranting on about daisy chains for ever more. HELP!
They should have formed a circle-jerk and let the congressman be the pivot man.

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