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A Doctors note to not show up for your deposition? (1 Viewer)

"This letter is to certify that Mr. Alex Jones suffers from an allergic reaction to depositions and should be excused."

If he get's away with it I gotta make sure my Dr. is on the same page just in case.
What kinda made up bullshit is this?

Oh, but this is AWESOME.

According to her website, Ouffutt is an “extensively trained integrative medicine physician” based in Marble Falls, Texas, who was, “recently appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Advisory Council.”

Her practice provides consultation and treatment to patients for chronic pain, offering yoga and other services including, “ozone therapies” and “IV nutritional therapies.”
And to think, this is the kind of person many in the gop admire.
I like how the judge noted that Alex Jones was not so sick that he didn't go to the studio to do his daily show.

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