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A Connecticut physical therapist was convicted for killing his wife, three children and pet dog two years ago at their home in Florida. (1 Viewer)


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A Connecticut physical therapist was convicted for killing his wife, three children and pet dog two years ago at their home in Florida.

A Kissimmee jury found Anthony Todt guilty of four counts of first-degree murder and one count of animal cruelty.

Todt, 46, had initially said he his killed 42-year-old wife, Megan, along with children Alek, 13, Tyler, 11, and Zoe, 4, because he had wanted them to “pass over to the other side together” before the apocalypse.
His public defender redacted the confession and tried to pin the massacre on his late wife at his trial. But killing your pet dog?? This is a nut case.

A Connecticut physical therapist was convicted for killing his wife, three children and pet dog two years ago at their home in Florida.

A Kissimmee jury found Anthony Todt guilty of four counts of first-degree murder and one count of animal cruelty.

Todt, 46, had initially said he his killed 42-year-old wife, Megan, along with children Alek, 13, Tyler, 11, and Zoe, 4, because he had wanted them to “pass over to the other side together” before the apocalypse.
His public defender redacted the confession and tried to pin the massacre on his late wife at his trial. But killing your pet dog?? This is a nut case.
Well, all dogs go to heaven.

A Connecticut physical therapist was convicted for killing his wife, three children and pet dog two years ago at their home in Florida.

A Kissimmee jury found Anthony Todt guilty of four counts of first-degree murder and one count of animal cruelty.

Todt, 46, had initially said he his killed 42-year-old wife, Megan, along with children Alek, 13, Tyler, 11, and Zoe, 4, because he had wanted them to “pass over to the other side together” before the apocalypse.
His public defender redacted the confession and tried to pin the massacre on his late wife at his trial. But killing your pet dog?? This is a nut case.

I followed that story since when it happened. I am so glad he was convicted, not that it was surprising. And he tried to blame it on his dead wife.

I hope he spends years of Hell in jail. Criminals don't like animal abusers and child killers.
Classic. Like the scene in the movie "Open Range". Boss and Charley return to camp to find their workers Mose dead and Button severely wounded. Then, they find their dog, Tig, dead. Now they're pissed.

A Connecticut physical therapist was convicted for killing his wife, three children and pet dog two years ago at their home in Florida.

A Kissimmee jury found Anthony Todt guilty of four counts of first-degree murder and one count of animal cruelty.

Todt, 46, had initially said he his killed 42-year-old wife, Megan, along with children Alek, 13, Tyler, 11, and Zoe, 4, because he had wanted them to “pass over to the other side together” before the apocalypse.
His public defender redacted the confession and tried to pin the massacre on his late wife at his trial. But killing your pet dog?? This is a nut case.
Is it something in the air in flori-duh that makes people crazy or is it the republican leadership?

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