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A Climate Science Headline You Won't See, Part 15[W:5] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Political Leaning
New paper finds another 2 non-hockey-sticks in Italy in the journal Climate of the Past

In the past few years paleoclimatology studies of past temperatures have been done all over the world that fail to find a hockey stick, that is, a rapid increase in temperatures leading up to modern times following 2 or 3 thousands years of no significant change in temperatures. This is yet another such study. They looked at pollen that settled to the bottom of a lake in layers over time to make estimates of moisture and temperature. They found that temperatures were warmer in the past than the present over several periods in the past going back 6700 years.

Re: A Climate Science Headline You Won't See, Part 15

(Ice core samples) Ice Cores

From this website where a member of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition dumps his stuff Global Warming and Climate Change
Re: A Climate Science Headline You Won't See, Part 15

If Lowdown won't listen to reason... no one will stop it.. I say let's Help him BURY the section. (with links to papers he found on watts/shtick Blogs).
(and counting) Today alone.
Anyone else?
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Re: A Climate Science Headline You Won't See, Part 15

If Lowdown won't listen to reason... no one will stop it.. I say let's Help him BURY the section. (with links to papers he found on watts/shtick Blogs).
(and counting) Today alone.
Anyone else?

I've been posting about reports in peer reviewed papers on climate science. Why would you object to that?
Re: A Climate Science Headline You Won't See, Part 15

Moderator's Warning:
Please stick to the topic which is not the posting habits of the OP.

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