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A American SIN 10%-20% make all (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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Political Leaning
My fellow D.P members If you just think of the people you know

How many of them are politicaly involed in their goverment I know many very intellagnt people who do not know whats going on around them and it's not that their BAD people or they do not LOVE their country BUT all I hear them say I'm working 50-60-70 hours per week !.

Then they come home to their family and as EVERYBODY knows their is always a problem that needs there attention i.e something in School , a sporting event , A play, their Daughter's new boy friend SEX , their Son got into a Fight ! I could go on but I thing you get the idea !

So when it comes to some free time the last thing they want to do is watch some news show on political matters OR go to SOME policial evervent to hear some politican SPEAK

All they want to do is go to the BEACH or SKING or just have a B.R.Q or just take a trip !.

On the oter hand their are other people so stupid you thank GOD they do not VOTE or get involed in goverment

So whats left and if you SAID the SPECIAL INTEREST give you self a GOLD STAR on our forehead

It's the specical interest who runs WASHINGTON just look at the millions of lobbyest PAYING $100s of $BILLIONS and posiablty $TRILLION to the PRESIDENT & CONGRESS & THE SENATE

And if you think they give these $ BILLION / $TRILLIONS out of the goodness of their heart

I have A FEW BRIDGES to SELL you and I'll get you a great deal on them

Power to the People
It's the specical interest who runs WASHINGTON just look at the millions of lobbyest PAYING $100s of $BILLIONS and posiablty $TRILLION to the PRESIDENT & CONGRESS & THE SENATE

And if you think they give these $ BILLION / $TRILLIONS out of the goodness of their heart
After all the squawking the Democrats did to get McCain's "Campaign Finance "bill passed, it didn't change one darn thing. The Democrats raised even more money.
HI Sqiarwker YOUR at it again I never used DEM or REP these pig are both the blam

However nthe REP. get a lot more of their money from AMERICAs biggest CORP.
ad thats a fact

stop drinking the kool-aid its affecting your reading

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Freedom69 said:
HI Sqiarwker YOUR at it again I never used DEM or REP these pig are both the blam

However nthe REP. get a lot more of their money from AMERICAs biggest CORP.
ad thats a fact

stop drinking the kool-aid its affecting your reading


I hate to tell you this but both parties take in huge gobs of cash from corporations. Recently I saw an article that showed the income from either party to be extremely close as well. And Squawker's right about the Democrats screaming about getting this bill passed and in the end the bill did absolutely nothing. However there was a large % of GOP backers on that bill as well and now that the bill has failed to accomplish even mild success they've managed to separate themselves from it. My local Senator, Gordon Smith, supported the bill now to hear him talk you'd think he didn't even vote for it.

I think they're the one's drinking the Kool-Aid. Or maybe it's just that they realize many Americans do not and will not follow politics, so they can do and say whatever sounds good on any given day. Maybe we are the one's drinking it?

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