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911 playing cards from the 90's!? (1 Viewer)


Jan 21, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
these cards were made in 90s, anyone who can offer an explanation?

See more at: http://cuttingedge.org/news/n1753.cfm
fourddream said:
these cards were made in 90s, anyone who can offer an explanation?

See more at: http://cuttingedge.org/news/n1753.cfm

The site says the game hit the stores in 1995.

"Terrorist Nuke" -- This card is one of the most shocking of all, especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the specialty stores in 1995!

But did you know.....
The World Trade Center bombing was the February 26, 1993 attack in the garage of the New York City World Trade Center. A car bomb was planted by Islamist terrorists in the underground parking garage below Tower One

that's because there was a court case about it going on since 1990.;)
and "terrorist nuke" indicates explosives, hi tech explosives.
let's watch the rest unfold.There are 100 cards, only pentagon and wtc have already clearly happened.
Party time?
shuamort said:
What about Soul Coughing's 1994 song "Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago?"

The problem with looking for these things is that you notice the coincidences more than the dissimilarities.

That is does my friend...

Take the quatrains of Nostradamus I can apply them to my dogs...
cherokee said:
That is does my friend...

Take the quatrains of Nostradamus I can apply them to my dogs...
They were never made as an exercise in prophesy but as a way of conveying the fact that the overal plot existed then already and was as such recorded for posterity. Nothing supernatural about it, not supposed to be just exposing their intent to "act out" the apocalyps in order to install their New World Order. The cards have text saying as much.

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