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911 a inside job (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2005
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The aim of the 1954 Israeli Mossad project, codenamed Operation Suzannah was to bomb United States installations in Egypt, such as the United States Information Service offices, and blame Arabs, hoping it would harm Egyptian-American ties. It became known as the Lavon Affair or the Unfortunate Affair (Hebrew: העסק הביש pronounce: haesek habish), after the Israeli defense minister Pinchas Lavon who was forced to resign because of the incident.

Israeli Mossad agents from "Unit 131" 1 planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and intentionally left behind evidence implicating Arabs as the culprits. The conspiracy was intended to disrupt U.S. relations with Egypt but one of the bombs detonated prematurely and the Egyptian police swiftly found one of the terrorists. This arrest quickly led to the capture of eleven of the thirteen members of the spy ring. Some of the spies were Israeli, while others were Egyptian Jews recruited by Mossad. Two of the conspirators were sentenced to death and executed. Six others were sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

Lavon claimed that he had no knowledge of the conspiracy and he attempted to scapegoat and fire his deputy, Shimon Peres. The Prime Minister of Israel, Moshe Sharett, appointed a board of inquiry consisting of Israeli Supreme Court Justice Isaac Olshan and the first chief of staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Ya'akov Dori. The board failed to uncover who had ordered the conspiracy yet Lavon resigned in disgrace from his position as minister of defense and David Ben-Gurion resumed the post under Sharett. Lavon became head of the Histadrut.

Six years later, a district court found the intelligence operations chief guilty of perjury and forgery during testimony presented to the Olshan-Dori board of inquiry. Lavon demanded that Ben-Gurion clear his name but Ben-Gurion refused. The controversy broke out into open Knesset debates, fatally wounding the ruling Mapai Party. Eventually the Mapai Central Committee voted to expel Lavon from his position in the Histadrut.

The legacy of the Lavon Affair was especially unpleasant for Egyptian Jews and for Jews living in other Arab countries. They faced suspicion as a potential Fifth column and even persecution (including having their banks accounts frozen). While the Lavon affair may have acted as one catalyst for emigration to Israel, it could add little to the overall persecution of Jews which started roughly at 1948, and which reached a peak in the wake of the 1956 Suez War, when the Egyptian government expelled almost 25,000 Egyptian Jews and confiscated their property, and sent approximately 1,000 more Jews to prisons and detention camps. The Lavon Affair also generated deep suspicion of Israeli intelligence practices and encouraged speculation and conspiracy theories that terrorist attacks against Arab and American targets could be the result of Israeli false flag intelligence operations or agent provocateurs working on behalf of Israeli intelligence, a belief that is still popular (especially in Arab countries).

the mossad agents that taped 911 with joy.

by now you know me followed by the monkeys gang silver,cd,swordsman,and the lessers

this will be my last new subject here out of the fact that if i dont reach you with this its not going to happen

below is a list of site proving 911 was not arabs but america isreal and england france germany russia and the rest of the nations of the un and the new world order here it is 911 the inside job
i know how many feel of alex jones here but i will say you must be able to see past the bull and hold on to the facts


Re:Open 9/11; Left Click to stream, Right Click Save Target as to download!


You can down load it all for free, or send of for the DVD free!

DR. David Ray Griffin Explains the whole 9/11 issue!


If that dos'nt work, you can go here


(Heres a link to his book in amazon

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions
by David Ray Griffin)


Secret Evil of 9/11 20 min movie

911: The Broad Picture by Professor Michel Chossudovsky

wow..just wow...

I got to number 12, all I can say is "wow".

It makes so much sense and I am beginning to change my beliefs on the whole ordeal.

I want some more people to take a look at this and respond as well.

If this is true it'll never be fully agreed with, humans are too optimistic for that to happen, to even think that an American President would pull a stunt in just mind bottling, thanks alot dude.. I'll gladly finish the videos.
bump this I want more to view this one.
there is so much info out there pointing to the us goverment doing 911 you will be here for a long time here is from a post by sub zero
http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.uk/Web Pages/FOX NEWS_FBI Agent%
http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.uk/Web Pages/MSNBC_The airlift of evil.htm
http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.uk/Web Pages/NEWS DAY_US Clamps%

http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.u...t around a plane crashing into a building.htm
note the small fire

that is bombs going off
more bombs going off
Historical Comparison


----The Burning of the Reichstag

http://www.thedossier.ukonline.co.uk/Web Pages/WASHINGTON POST_Bush%
911 Documentaries

Martial Law: 911 Rise of the Police State (The best damn 911 movie ever made)
Windows Media Player:



Dial up:





Dial up:


911- The Road To Tyranny

Paineful Deceptions
Painful Deceptions DVD Part 1 (pentagon)
Painful Deceptions DVD Part 2 (building 7 and the two towers)
Painful Deceptions DVD Part 3 (media propaganda)

The Masters of terror


Michael Parenti-Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy

Illuminazi 9-11

The Microchip
http://www.nwowatcher.com/downloads/The Microchip.wmv

The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. (Illuminati, Templars, Freemasons, etc.).pdf
http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/Th... (Illuminati, Templars, Freemasons, etc.).pdf

Order Out of Chaos - Paul Joseph Watson
http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/Order Out of Chaos - By Paul Joseph Watson.pdf

A Chronological History of the New World Order - Denis Cuddy
http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/Chronological History of The New World Order - By Dennis Cuddy.pdf

Conspiracy ebook - The New World Order - Milton William Cooper
http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/conspiracy ebook - New World Order by Milton William Cooper.pdf

Global Tyranny Step by Step - By WIlliam F. Jasper
http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/Global Tyranny Step By Step - By William F Jasper.pdf
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Arch Enemy said:
wow..just wow...

If this is true it'll never be fully agreed with, humans are too optimistic for that to happen, to even think that an American President would pull a stunt in just mind bottling, thanks alot dude.. I'll gladly finish the videos.

Seems someones hatred for the right is letting that cloud his judgement.
I don't understand what makes me show my hatred for the right.
seem like some one thinks i am dumb and should mind there own.
i dont blame the right i blame the new world order that is a make up of the left mid and right of usa goverment
i just watched it...i've read over this material before though. Wouldn't suprise me if it's true. Seemed a little biased, they only mentioned having one republican on the stage that now claims to be independent. Would have been more interesting if it was actually debated. Interesting watch regardless.
We know what cut, paste and spin can do to a story. That's a whole lot of people who would have to be in agreement over a long period of time. Ain't neva gonna happen. There are some people who believe we didn't walk on the moon. :roll:
Kyle is thaty your coat of arms it is very close to mine real close we could be long lost family

its not all bias did you get to the second part it was mostly bbc and cnn
and picture of the explosions above where the plane hit.

well later
yes it's my coat of arms.

I watched the martial law as well (long video). It mentioned a few things I'd never read about, the part about the skull and bones... woah lol
This is a complete pile of bullshit.

Aside from the millions and millions and millions of inconsistencies in your theories, do you really think that with the levels of incompetence seen in our goverment today, and the massive spread of the internet and news that this could be kept secret?

I always find it amusing how those who are supposedly so much smarter than the rest of us, who are too intelligent to get fooled by the media lies, are the ones who can't spell or use grammar.
NYU, if you would please, prove this theory wrong.
I think what scares me the most is that somebody, a large, intellegent group, on one side or the other is lying to us about this. I am certainly not one to believe conspiracy theories. In fact, to this point, there is only one large one I consider to be convincing regarding our governemnt: JFK. But man, this is really really convincing. I mean, if in fact a place crashed into the Pentagon, do we have pictures of it being hauled out? I mean if it didn't burn out like the trade center, why would there not be something, anything, that would show the plane? This is all very bothersome to me. I hate when someone lies to me and gives me absolutely no way of actually knowing things. Grrr!
Which theory are you referring to specifically?

The whole thing about no plane hitting the pentagon? Besides the fact that that theory is propogated by the same people who claim that the moon landing was faked, that whole theory is bullshit. It's mostly made up of "Well, the FBI didn't give us all the details, so it has to be a lie."

One problem.

Where's the 80 odd passengers on that plane go, if that plane never crashed into the Pentagon?

After you stammer over that for a bit, read this: http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.htm

What other theories are you talking about? The theory that the Jews secretly run the world through their grip on the New World Order? The theory that somehow Bush knew exactly what was going to happen on 9/11, and somehow had explosives planted in the WTC at the same time to help the explosions? The theory that somehow, "911 was not arabs but america isreal and england france germany russia and the rest of the nations of the un and the new world order?" The theory that despite alllllll of the information available, the millions of eyewitnesses, the millions of people in this supposed bureaucracy who would have to be completely controlled in order to keep it hush hush, despite all of that, that there's a worldwide organization controlling us?

If the NWO is so damn powerful, why haven't they shut this thread down? Why are they letting the "genius" biblewhateverthe**** tell us all their cryptic secrets?

I got to number 12, all I can say is "wow".

It makes so much sense and I am beginning to change my beliefs on the whole ordeal.

That's really a shame...I thought you were smarter than that.

PS. If you guys believe that, then look at your money to see the truth about 9/11

sebastiansdreams said:
I think what scares me the most is that somebody, a large, intellegent group, on one side or the other is lying to us about this. I am certainly not one to believe conspiracy theories. In fact, to this point, there is only one large one I consider to be convincing regarding our governemnt: JFK. But man, this is really really convincing. I mean, if in fact a place crashed into the Pentagon, do we have pictures of it being hauled out? I mean if it didn't burn out like the trade center, why would there not be something, anything, that would show the plane? This is all very bothersome to me. I hate when someone lies to me and gives me absolutely no way of actually knowing things. Grrr!

The thing that scares me the most is that there is a large unintelligent group on one side who believes this ****.
RightatNYU said:
The thing that scares me the most is that there is a large unintelligent group on one side who believes this ****.
And which side is that cheif? How do you know all that you think you know? did you watch even half of those videos? It's a damn convincing argument. Maybe there's no truth to it at all... but it never hurts anyone to keep a completely open mind on this stuff because if history has taught us anything, governments cannot always be trusted. EVEN OURS!
I'm not into conspiracy theories much at all, I guess people like a bit of mystery. I looked through these videos and while most of the points they made I dismissed, the pentagon crash really confuses me (I'm in university studying to be an engineer zzz)

For example the picture below.

At first I thought well, it must have came in a steep angle and landed on top of the pentagon. However the roof remained intact for a while then collasped.
The video camera shows (only one angle, the rest of the cameras on the most secure building in the world seemed to have took a break, they have cameras on the roof every 120ft roughly) that the plane (although they DOD have cut out the plane) hit at 90 degree angle.
At 600mph the wings would have done damage to the building, not just the hull of the aircraft.

Another question.

Why the hell are those spools are the gone still there near the site? The jet engine alone would have sent those spools flying, let alone the blast.

Jet Blast

Why will pentagon not release a frame actually showing an airplane crashing into the pentagon?

Just posing questions, I'm not a conspriracy theorist. If someone would like to explain how I am wrong, I'll listen.

Just one more thing, buildings do not just eat aircraft up. A similar thing happened to a hotel in Europe, plane debris everywhere.
think of it if they shut it down they make it seen. no they let it go because as long as they hold the main stream media then things is ok but did you look at the video where teh owner of the towers says that he gave the order to pull building 7 now wait a minite it take weeks to pull a building how did they get the bombs in there to pull it

here is if you dont wanna watch the whole alex thing it goes right to him saying pull it but they said it fell
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sebastiansdreams said:
And which side is that cheif? How do you know all that you think you know? did you watch even half of those videos? It's a damn convincing argument. Maybe there's no truth to it at all... but it never hurts anyone to keep a completely open mind on this stuff because if history has taught us anything, governments cannot always be trusted. EVEN OURS!

definitely, this material poses quite a few questions I'd liked answered. I'm not going to believe everything I see, especially with the biases today..but I'd like to at least hear it from both sides. The Snopes website was interesting, but I'm not 100% convinced.
sebastiansdreams said:
And which side is that cheif? How do you know all that you think you know? did you watch even half of those videos? It's a damn convincing argument. Maybe there's no truth to it at all... but it never hurts anyone to keep a completely open mind on this stuff because if history has taught us anything, governments cannot always be trusted. EVEN OURS!

I've seen all these videos, or other stale derivations thereof, and there is no factual basis to support any of their claims. Sure, there are unanswered questions, but every important event in our nations history has the same.

It hurts my faith in the intelligence of Americans to see people believing this bullshit. I thought we'd moved beyond the days of PT Barnum.

You're right, governments cannot always be trusted. Neither can an anonymous idiot on an internet messageboard with half cooked theories that defy all logic and common sense.

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