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87% want Bush impeached - MSNBC poll (1 Viewer)

Stinger said:
Can you name me a war when there wasn't some bad Data? Have you every read the history of the mistakes that were made during WW2? Was Roosevelt responsible for each and every one of those.

For the life of me I don't understand this obession to try and place blame on Bush for what is SOP in these types of scenarios. Intelligence is not perfect, it is best guesses. And Bush doesn't go undercover and come back and report what he finds. He relies on our intelligence services to feed him thier best guesses, and that's what we act on.

Bush had other motives for the Iraq war. This is operation desert storm the sequel. He has a personal vendetta against Hussein. All of this time, it should have been about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. What ever happened to that? I don't believe Hussein and Bin Laden were in cahoots.
Stinger said:
Originally Posted by Stinger
No where it that statement does he say he is responsible for the bad intelligence. Where do you get this idea?

Ahh exactly what is printed, exactly what he says which is not what you claim.

OK...this is exactly what was printed. I don't see how else you could interpret it.

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq. And I'm also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities. And we're doing just that."
alphieb said:
Bush had other motives for the Iraq war.

Oh please spare me. His motives are/were quite clear. They are/were exactly what he stated in all the speechs he has given.

All of this time, it should have been about Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. What ever happened to that?

Are you unaware that we are still fighing in Afghanistan and still losing lives there too? Are you aware that we have desimated Al qaeda and there is reason to believe that OBL is not even alive now.

I don't believe Hussein and Bin Laden were in cahoots.

But they wanted to be and were sure working towards it and already cooperating and we knew and we either had to act of face the consequences. Tell me where do you think OBL would have gone had we not closed the door in Iraq as we did. He be sitting fat and happy in Baghdad running his terrorist operation. And of course Saddam would have been paying of the families of Hamas and Al qaeda suicide bombers while getting his weapons programs back up to speed.

Suggest you read the Kay and Duelfer reports and the report for the Senate Intelligence hearings and the 9/11 commission.
You completely drop Stinger's argument about how every war has imperfect intelligence. EXTEND
alphieb said:
"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong. As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq. And I'm also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities. And we're doing just that."

He is ultimately responsible for the quality of intelligence in the same way that he is ultimately responsible for so many other things in government: he is the President. As HST famously said and had the sign on his desk to remind everyone, "The Buck Stops Here". Bush has acknowledged that responsibility.

In particular, these responsibilities are clearly delineated in Executive Order 12333 regarding intelligence activities. It reads, in part...

1.1 Goals. The United States intelligence effort shall provide the President and the National Security Council with the necessary information on which to base decisions concerning the conduct and development of foreign, defense and economic policy, and the protection of United States national interests from foreign security threats. All departments and agencies shall cooperate fully to fulfill this goal.
I guess all the people who want Bush impeached are real big proponents of Cheny right?

Call me crazy, but I was pretty sure that the Vice president succeeds the President if this were to happen.
SixStringHero said:
I guess all the people who want Bush impeached are real big proponents of Cheny right?

Call me crazy, but I was pretty sure that the Vice president succeeds the President if this were to happen.

You know as I was reading through this that is exactly what was going through my head. All those people who want him impeached I guess don't realize that. Question- If Cheney also got impeached or anything who is next in line?
Some_Guy said:
You completely drop Stinger's argument about how every war has imperfect intelligence. EXTEND

Indeed....every president must work from what information is available. It is a tough job to weed the chaff from the grain....and there are agencies to accomplish this. In fact it seems these agencies did so, and were ignored in many respects when data did not conform to the design of a plan in motion. This is my contention in this war.
The President is to uphold the security of our nation above all else.....and by going into a war on manipulated Data (which I fully believe was done), he has compromised that security in the long run. I see the Removal of Taliban/Osama as justified , and support this action to this day. I did not, and will not support the Invasion of Iraq....as it is to my mind.....just that....an Invasion.
Stinger said:
Oh please spare me. His motives are/were quite clear. They are/were exactly what he stated in all the speechs he has given.

Are you unaware that we are still fighing in Afghanistan and still losing lives there too? Are you aware that we have desimated Al qaeda and there is reason to believe that OBL is not even alive now.

But they wanted to be and were sure working towards it and already cooperating and we knew and we either had to act of face the consequences. Tell me where do you think OBL would have gone had we not closed the door in Iraq as we did. He be sitting fat and happy in Baghdad running his terrorist operation. And of course Saddam would have been paying of the families of Hamas and Al qaeda suicide bombers while getting his weapons programs back up to speed.

Suggest you read the Kay and Duelfer reports and the report for the Senate Intelligence hearings and the 9/11 commission.

"Bin Laden is dead"......pure speculation. That is an out for the republicans to excuse why he has not been captured.

You cannot compare Afghanistan to Iraq, the death toll is much higher. By the way, his terrorist operation is still running fast. Why would it not be? The culprits are still on the loose.

Bush can state anything he wants to in his speeches, however 90% are lies.
americanwoman said:
You know as I was reading through this that is exactly what was going through my head. All those people who want him impeached I guess don't realize that. Question- If Cheney also got impeached or anything who is next in line?

I may be wrong, not in the mood to look it up, but I believe it would go to the Speaker of the House.
Yup and I believe that's Bill Frist which doesn't make matters any bettere
SixStringHero said:
I guess all the people who want Bush impeached are real big proponents of Cheny right?

Uhh, not exactly. Anyone's better than W. If he were to be impeached, the GOP's actions would be placed under a ****ing microscope. If Cheney would so much as slip on a damn bannana peel, everyone in the US would know.

Call me crazy, but I was pretty sure that the Vice president succeeds the President if this were to happen.

What is the latest on the impeachment? I have heard about it for five years now, and still nothing. What is taking so long?
KCConservative said:
What is the latest on the impeachment? I have heard about it for five years now, and still nothing. What is taking so long?

The republicans are covering for him and covering up his actions that substantiate impeachment.
alphieb said:
The republicans are covering for him and covering up his actions that substantiate impeachment.

In other words they are cheating
If 87% want him impeached, why have his approval ratings climbed to around 50% as the latest polls have shown?

And, I may be wrong, but I've heard our good buddy Ted Stevens is next in line for the presidency after Cheney, based on seniority. I've also heard the Speaker of the House and Secretary of State too so I have no idea. Can anyone confirm this?
The Real McCoy said:
And, I may be wrong, but I've heard our good buddy Ted Stevens is next in line for the presidency after Cheney, based on seniority.
Yes, you are wrong. The Speaker of the House is next in line...it's all in the Constitution you can read it if you like or see this?

Constitutional Topic: Presidential Line of Succession

The Constitutional Topics pages at the USConstitution.net site are presented to delve deeper into topics than can be provided on the Glossary Page or in the FAQ pages. This Topic Page concerns the Presidential Line of Succession. The Line of Succession is mentioned in two places in the Constitution; in Article 2, Section 1, and the 25th Amendment. The Topic Page for the Presidential Disability is also of interest.

The 25th Amendment reiterates what is stated in Article 2, Section 1: that the Vice President is the direct successor of the President. He or she will become President if the President cannot serve for whatever reason. The 25th also provides for a President who is temporarily disabled, such as if the President has a surgical procedure or if he or she become mentally unstable.

The original Constitution provides that if neither the President nor Vice President can serve, the Congress shall provide law stating who is next in line. Currently that law exists as 3 USC 19, a section of the U.S. Code. This law was established as part of the Presidential Succession Act of 1947. There, the following line of succession is provided:

* Speaker of the House of Representatives
* President Pro Tempore of the Senate
* Secretary of State
* Secretary of the Treasury
* Secretary of Defense
* Attorney General
* Secretary of the Interior
* Secretary of Agriculture
* Secretary of Commerce
* Secretary of Labor
* Secretary of Health and Human Services
* Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
* Secretary of Transportation
* Secretary of Energy
* Secretary of Education
* Secretary of Veterans Affairs
* Secretary of Homeland Security (not yet set by law)

The only exception to the line provided in the law states that to ascend to the Presidency, the next person in line must be constitutionally eligible. Any person holding an office in the line of succession who, for example, is not a naturally-born citizen cannot become President. In this case, that person would be skipped and the next eligible person in the line would become President.
Source: http://www.usconstitution.net/consttop_succ.html
alphieb said:
What an idiot.

Believing that admitting his errors would result in some lienency from the left? He'd have to be.
kal-el said:
Actually, here is another one that says 1/3 of Americans favor impeachment. This was before the big brother gone wild scandal.


lmfao a poll conducted on the AfterDowningStreet.com website a site frequented by ravid anti-Bush haters and a site dedicated to the task of impeaching the president, I wonder why their poll would be skewed, :roll: you people are really laughable when you try to pass this stuff off. These polls you are submitting are un-scientific and amount to jack **** in my book or in the book of anyone else who understands empirical analysis.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
lmfao a poll conducted on the AfterDowningStreet.com website a site frequented by ravid anti-Bush haters and a site dedicated to the task of impeaching the president, I wonder why their poll would be skewed, :roll: you people are really laughable when you try to pass this stuff off. These polls you are submitting are un-scientific and amount to jack **** in my book or in the book of anyone else who understands empirical analysis.

Take time to read the link before you spout against it. You really look the fool on this one. This link actually references a linked poll conducted by rasmussen reports using scientific methodology.

Note 2 things
1) the majority does not support impeachment when this poll was taken.
2) this is pre-big brother scandal.. odds are the numbers have gone against bush since then.

However the MSNBC poll is rather invalid as an indicator, kind of like thinking a poll from foxnews indicates major approval for the president... their clientele tends to be far right. By the same token.. since their latest poll shows 51% disapprove of Bush.......
dogger807 said:
Take time to read the link before you spout against it. You really look the fool on this one. This link actually references a linked poll conducted by rasmussen reports using scientific methodology.

Note 2 things
1) the majority does not support impeachment when this poll was taken.
2) this is pre-big brother scandal.. odds are the numbers have gone against bush since then.

However the MSNBC poll is rather invalid as an indicator, kind of like thinking a poll from foxnews indicates major approval for the president... their clientele tends to be far right. By the same token.. since their latest poll shows 51% disapprove of Bush.......

I did read the link and I stopped after I saw this:

according to a poll by Rasmussen Reports for AfterDowningStreet.org. 32 per cent of

so it's you who looks the fool if you believe a word off of that sight or any group associated with it; furthermore, by scientifically accurate perhaps they asked the questions similar along the lines of the continuosly biased polls that ask misdirecting and two pronged questions and then try to claim they say something that they don't I don't trust any poll unless I see the exact questions being asked and not what the poll takers say the results mean . . .
oh and look at the bottom of this page not only is it a poll conducted by AfterDowningStreet it is a telephone poll with a research group of only 1,000 people that is nowhere near enough for an accurate polling sample what was the methodolgy in selecting said people did they call up a thousand people in Boston Mass.? Where's the link to the research methodology involvede? Seriously dude don't believe everything you read.

Source: Rasmussen Reports / AfterDowningStreet.org
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,000 American adults, conducted on Dec. 9 and Dec. 10, 2005. Margin of error is 3 per cent.

Oh and P.S. Bush has gone up in the Polls because the people are not swayed by the liberal media's blatant attempt to take down the president during war time and have come to the realization that the left has been putting partisan politics ahead of national security this whole time why else would they leak a program that's probably stopped a score of terrorist attacks against our nation.
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Sir_Alec said:
In other words they are cheating

That is par for the course, almost ALL politicians cheat and lie. Sorry, I can't find a link for that one, just commen knowledge.

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