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80 million unsolicited mail in ballots (1 Viewer)

john patriot

Apr 19, 2020
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Political Leaning
what happened to these ballots that Trump spoke of, has the election been rigged before it starts. Trump says the Democrats are trying to rig the election. the democrats better be careful there may be more people voting than are registered to vote! voting fraud may be as high as 25% according to Trump, the election may be over before it starts. it appears Biden has 80 million votes before the election ever starts, this means Trump will have to beat Biden by more than 80 million votes, will hiden China Joe Biden come out of his basement for the debates or will he remain Nancy's puppet. Q 2024
what happened to these ballots that Trump spoke of, has the election been rigged before it starts. Trump says the Democrats are trying to rig the election. the democrats better be careful there may be more people voting than are registered to vote! voting fraud may be as high as 25% according to Trump, the election may be over before it starts. it appears Biden has 80 million votes before the election ever starts, this means Trump will have to beat Biden by more than 80 million votes, will hiden China Joe Biden come out of his basement for the debates or will he remain Nancy's puppet. Q 2024

Citation for these accusations?
Citation for these accusations?

It's just more verbal diarrhea from the Mango Messiah.


False. 80 million “unsolicited” mail-in ballots will not be sent to voters ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Ten states and jurisdictions are proactively sending out ballots, some for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic, for an approximately 44.2 million registered voters in total.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here .

Fact check: Clarifying Trump’s 80 million ‘unsolicited’ ballots claim | Reuters
Civil war with high powered high capacity weapons is going to be horrific.
what happened to these ballots that Trump spoke of, has the election been rigged before it starts. Trump says the Democrats are trying to rig the election. the democrats better be careful there may be more people voting than are registered to vote! voting fraud may be as high as 25% according to Trump, the election may be over before it starts. it appears Biden has 80 million votes before the election ever starts, this means Trump will have to beat Biden by more than 80 million votes, will hiden China Joe Biden come out of his basement for the debates or will he remain Nancy's puppet. Q 2024

"According to Trump"
Yeah, there's a reliable source. *L*
Does Russia do mail in, too? I didn't know that. Are the choices "Putin," "send a goon to poison me," and "both?"
Civil war with high powered high capacity weapons is going to be horrific.

Is that a threat from the MAGAites?

Do you somehow think that us liberals won't shoot back? Just because I disapprove of your GI Joe cosplay routine because you are not well endowed doesn't mean that I am afraid of guns. I grew up in rural Ohio and I learned a few tips on how to handle a firearm from one of Uncle Sam's summer camps in So Carolina.
To to the OP... for the umpteenth time... we have an area of the forums for conspiracy theories, look into it?
Trump lies. Repeatedly. As a rule.

Got anything else?

For most "Presidents" that would be enough. Whatever happened to "I cannot tell a lie" that we AmeriCANs once put so much value on?

Trump has gone through life, especially his presidency, getting away with **** NO ONE else could think of getting away with. Every time he steps in ****, someone's right there to calim "that wasn't ****, and he didn't step in it". With every step he gets a, self inflicted, rake handle in the face and his followers act like he's walking down a rose petal covered red carpet. :roll:
what happened to these ballots that Trump spoke of, has the election been rigged before it starts. Trump says the Democrats are trying to rig the election. the democrats better be careful there may be more people voting than are registered to vote! voting fraud may be as high as 25% according to Trump, the election may be over before it starts. it appears Biden has 80 million votes before the election ever starts, this means Trump will have to beat Biden by more than 80 million votes, will hiden China Joe Biden come out of his basement for the debates or will he remain Nancy's puppet. Q 2024

if he debates Trump Kamala needs to back off spiking his Metamucil.
civil war will only happen if the democrats try to steal this election, the only way Biden can defeat Trump, is by stealing the election. everyone knows he has dementia or kuru, how often does he have to have a blood transfusion. Q 2024
what happened to these ballots that Trump spoke of, has the election been rigged before it starts. Trump says the Democrats are trying to rig the election. the democrats better be careful there may be more people voting than are registered to vote! voting fraud may be as high as 25% according to Trump, the election may be over before it starts. it appears Biden has 80 million votes before the election ever starts, this means Trump will have to beat Biden by more than 80 million votes, will hiden China Joe Biden come out of his basement for the debates or will he remain Nancy's puppet. Q 2024

Wasn't Biden executed by a military tribunal in Gitmo Camp 7?
what happened to these ballots that Trump spoke of, has the election been rigged before it starts. Trump says the Democrats are trying to rig the election. the democrats better be careful there may be more people voting than are registered to vote! voting fraud may be as high as 25% according to Trump, the election may be over before it starts. it appears Biden has 80 million votes before the election ever starts, this means Trump will have to beat Biden by more than 80 million votes, will hiden China Joe Biden come out of his basement for the debates or will he remain Nancy's puppet. Q 2024
QAnon guy believes what Trump says. Nuff said. :roll:
AlphaOmega said( civil war with high powered high capacity weapons is going to be horrific )not I Q 2024
No ****. Take another look at my post. I didn’t attribute it to you.

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