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8 years for murder of Tom Hurndall (1 Viewer)


Aug 4, 2005
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Political Leaning

Why not call a spade a spade and convict the bitch for murder. Eight years for a life?

Spoze we should be grateful the IDF was forced into investigating it properly by Tom's family. Getting a result isn't easy with them brave boys at the Defence (sic) forces.

RIP Tom.
Yup. Good thing the guy is behind bars. And I do hope it's going to be a deterrent for all others who would have that kind of idea.

Now, what happened with Rachel Corrie's murder? Was there a trial?

Her parents filed a lawsuit against Carterpillar, alleging that Caterpillar, Inc. violated international and state law by providing specially designed bulldozers to Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) that it knew would be used to demolish homes and endanger civilians.

The Corries also filed a tort claim today in Israel against the State of Israel, the Israeli Defense Ministry and the IDF for their role in the death of their daughter.

First off, you must note that he was not convicted of murder but manslaughter which carries much different penalties. Manslaughter is less than murder in the eyes of the court and thus the sentence would be lighter.

Second, this has never happened before. Be happy with what you got, honestly, the legal system isn't perfect and this was yet but a first real test to see if it would stand up and be able to be prosecuted in the future if stuff like this happens then.

And third-you are too biased here. Get real. Realize this a landmark case and take it as that, not as "IT IS NOT ENOUGH." As with any legal system, you win some and you lose some, and you won this one.
How many years would you get in the US for manslaughter?
Depends on the jury, but there are some really stiff maximums. It also depends heavily on the state and especially the country.

In this case, it is even outside the United States. I think that there are some cases of vehicular manslaughter where the person gets more than 10 years, but that usually doesn't happen due to large amounts of doubt, etc.
vandree said:
How many years would you get in the US for manslaughter?

Actually, it depends on how much of a celebrity the person is. Bill Gates could probably committ Genocide and get away with it in the United States.
No. And you just made a mockery of the legal system. It is true that any celeb can go out and hire a good lawyer, but if the case is solid against them, then they are going. OJ....can't explain that except to say that may have had racial undertones as well as legal ones.
I made a mockery of a corrupt legal system? Uh-oh!

You tell me, why is it that Allen Iverson wasn't punished at all when he slapped, and pulled a gun on his wife? Why is it that someone gets put on death-row for stealing a television?

In my humble opinion, putting someone on death-row for murder is more reasonable than putting someone on death-row for stealing a television.
What is this stealing a television bit. Honestly, bone up on your legal research. I have seen more trials than I care to count and not once have I seen that. I have actually seen 2 men sentenced to death thanks to a connection that got me into the courtroom (I was writing a paper and DA got me in, nice guy really). Don't lecture me on how the system doesn't work, because for the most part it does. I would rather have some jackhole like Iverson go free than have an entire system that works for the most part gone, wouldn't you? I think I know the answer, but I digress.

The point is that there is a fine line between justice and revenge. Justice is attained everyday when people are put in prison for crimes they committed and that shows the system works and revenge is saying the system doesn't work well enough because we didn't get him, get him, get him!! You get the idea. Anyway, I lost my train of thought and will stop for now...actually no.

Just because someone can afford a better lawyer doesn't mean that the system doesn't work. It means that capitalism is at work. What it seems you don't like is capitalism because people can afford better protection than can others. Take your issue up with that.
Under the circumstances, it appears to be a fair sentence, and no amount of time served will bring the man back. I say vengence is the Lords, if there is a God, he will be judged by him. This is the major difference that has divided the two countries, one will punish, and condemn their criminals, the other has not. I hope to hear of the first trial for a criminal in Palastine soon, then we'll know we are making progress.
That wasn't due to a bad justice system from the looks of the article but a bad legistlature. Maybe you should move if that is the case. But alas, they changed it from life in prison after he was sentenced to three years, but that doesn't commute his sentence unless the governor says so, and usually governors don't want to appear soft on crime so that would be a decided no.
Yeah you're correct we have some cases like that around these parts. It's been a couple of years since a thing like that happened, but they still happen. You're also correct that it is the bad legislature, I believe we need a harder system in order to get our judges, have like some sort of exmens and conferences to try and see if the judge is making his/her decision based on political parties and other factors which shouldn't be included.
Trust me, you have no idea how judges make their decisions. Do you have any in the family? Nah, didn't think so. They use maximum minimums, they take into account what the prosecutors are asking for, they take into account what evidence has been brought up in sentencing, they weigh past criminal history, or none thereof, etc. Then, they combine all that and render a decision. The judges who make a decision based on politics are run out of town quite quickly, resign in disgrace, are impeached, go into private judging, or even, get this, lay low and make correct decisions for a while so to avoid attention-thus, they are a nonfactor.

You seem interested in the legal system, and I encourage you to get involved now, seriously, I was younger than you. Contact you DA or some local pro-bono legal group and ask if you can attend meetings. IT could be beneficial.
Just because someone can afford a better lawyer doesn't mean that the system doesn't work.

The system works, but some lawyers do tend to abuse it.

The judges who make a decision based on politics are run out of town quite quickly, resign in disgrace, are impeached, go into private judging, or even, get this, lay low and make correct decisions for a while so to avoid attention-thus, they are a nonfactor.

Aren't you being a little optimistic here? There are judges who abuse the system as well; some are so biased that they don't even bpther to hide it. I am sure you have a PACER account, so if you have the time, check out case number 03cv2384 in the New Jersey District Court:smile:
vandree said:
The system works, but some lawyers do tend to abuse it.
Lawyers do what is allowed, it is that simple. If it is not allowed, they are punished by the bar. If they abuse it, then they are reported.
Aren't you being a little optimistic here? There are judges who abuse the system as well; some are so biased that they don't even bpther to hide it. I am sure you have a PACER account, so if you have the time, check out case number 03cv2384 in the New Jersey District Court:smile:
Great job. I do have a pacer account but don't waste time on it, I do my job compiling cases to support theories. I am not being optomistic. I see the legal system a lot and and I believe in it.

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