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63 Republicans vote against resolution expressing support for NATO (1 Viewer)


Requested Profile Delete. Bye
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Mar 27, 2022
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  • The House overwhelmingly approved a resolution expressing support for NATO on Tuesday.
  • The resolution passed 362-63, with support from 143 Republicans and 219 Democrats.
  • Sixty-three members of the GOP caucus voted against the measure.
More than 60 Republicans on Tuesday voted against a resolution expressing support for NATO and calling on President Joe Biden to strengthen the organization's commitment to defending democracy.

The resolution, introduced by Rep. Gerald Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, was backed by a majority of the GOP caucus and every Democrat who voted.

Citing the threat posed by "authoritarian regimes" as well as "internal threats from proponents of illiberalism," the resolution calls on the Biden administration to uphold NATO's "founding democratic principles." It also advocates the creation of a "Center for Democratic Resilience" within NATO's headquarters in Brussels, with the center providing member states assistance to strengthen their own democratic institutions.

Almost a third of the GOP openly voted for Putin! Stunning.
Sweet mother of chee-suss

Just hard to fathom how anyone with a functioning brain can support that filthy, rotten, treasonous political party...
It is long, Long, LONG past the time that a anybody with a functioning brain does not understand Russia for what it is. Yes this is Putin's war. However, the Russian mind set has always encouraged this kind of nonsense from the Czars till today. The people's expectations are low. Their aspirations almost non-existent. Their glasses are always half empty AT BEST. It produces two kinds of Russians.....those that endlessly clutch their rosaries in one hand and a bottle of vodka in the other and those at the other end of the spectrum....thugs. The one binding aspect.....the bottle of vodka.

Apparently this is the future the GOP would like to see for the USA.
Well, yeah. They're Trumpists, and the point of Trumpism really is the evil it does.

They're all about dictators and dictatorsihp-adjacent governments, which brutalize marginalized groups of the other. That's what they want for America. (They assume they'll be the ones doing the brutalizing. But so often, those who invite brutal regimes with that wish in their mind usually end up getting crushed along with everyone else not already in the regime...)

C'mon, folks. Think. With a Trumpists's every accusation a barely-disguised confession, what do you think they're really saying when they call everyone else communists and socialists?

Bingo. That is why they vote against NATO and for Russia.
Sweet mother of chee-suss

Just hard to fathom how anyone with a functioning brain can support that filthy, rotten, treasonous political party...

Did you bother to read the resolution before you made that comment?

  • The House overwhelmingly approved a resolution expressing support for NATO on Tuesday.
  • The resolution passed 362-63, with support from 143 Republicans and 219 Democrats.
  • Sixty-three members of the GOP caucus voted against the measure.
More than 60 Republicans on Tuesday voted against a resolution expressing support for NATO and calling on President Joe Biden to strengthen the organization's commitment to defending democracy.

The resolution, introduced by Rep. Gerald Connolly, a Democrat from Virginia, was backed by a majority of the GOP caucus and every Democrat who voted.

Citing the threat posed by "authoritarian regimes" as well as "internal threats from proponents of illiberalism," the resolution calls on the Biden administration to uphold NATO's "founding democratic principles." It also advocates the creation of a "Center for Democratic Resilience" within NATO's headquarters in Brussels, with the center providing member states assistance to strengthen their own democratic institutions.


So what? Im guessing they didnt like the Center. But it appears the article's writers didnt bother to report on that.

"Center for Democratic Resilience within NATO headquarters for the purposes of monitoring and identifying challenges to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law and facilitating democracy and governance assistance to member, partner, and aspirant states, when requested"

Im not sure why its needed, as the purpose of NATO is military defense, not internal issues.
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So what? Im guessing they didnt like the Center. But it appears the article's writers didnt bother to report on that.

"Center for Democratic Resilience within NATO headquarters for the purposes of monitoring and identifying challenges to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law and facilitating democracy and governance assistance to member, partner, and aspirant states, when requested"

Im not sure why its needed, as the purpose of NATO is military defense, not internal issues.

Don't they know that they're safe; that Republican controlled states are not part of NATO?
Putin's instructions into the Republican Party are seemingly in good status.
Gosar continues to be an embarrassment for Arizona. Gosar needs to be voted out, but that most likely won't happen because of the radical right in his district.

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