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5 lyric song guess (3 Viewers)

And a pack of sandwiches
And back to the game

Murder, Incorporated by The Boss.

"Dr. Daniels is my Therapist"

Yours is so specific I don’t think I know it
I love 10cc
I love that song and there's another - I was dating a young woman in college, and it got a little serious, and talk of marriage but one day I was in a department store and a familiar song came over the speakers and I froze. I heard every word and I thought, oh no, oh no, this song is about me, she's not the one and now I have to tell her. The song was I'm not in love.

But there's a happy ending because about ten years later I met the woman who's still my wife.
I love that song and there's another - I was dating a young woman in college, and it got a little serious, and talk of marriage but one day I was in a department store and a familiar song came over the speakers and I froze. I heard every word and I thought, oh no, oh no, this song is about me, she's not the one and now I have to tell her. The song was I'm not in love.

But there's a happy ending because about ten years later I met the woman who's still my wife.

Well, of course "I'm not in love" meant something different in the song, but good that you realized she wasn't the one before you went through with marriage. You could have still been married and missed out on your wife now.
Well, of course "I'm not in love" meant something different in the song, but good that you realized she wasn't the one before you went through with marriage. You could have still been married and missed out on your wife now.
My Dad once told me I wouldn’t of been born if it wasn’t for young hearts run free
Well, of course "I'm not in love" meant something different in the song, but good that you realized she wasn't the one before you went through with marriage. You could have still been married and missed out on your wife now.
Thats true . And they had some great songs. And now I'm ready to start wondering about ,
"and I wear black leather"

First I'm using my guess and check method,

Happy Friday!!
Thats true . And they had some great songs. And now I'm ready to start wondering about ,
"and I wear black leather"

First I'm using my guess and check method,

Happy Friday!!

Happy Friday, and good hunting! I hope you figure it out - I want to find that sweet spot between making the clues too hard and making them too easy.
Happy Friday, and good hunting! I hope you figure it out - I want to find that sweet spot between making the clues too hard and making them too easy.

All my guesses hit a dead end. You remember how I think in decades? : )
Thats true . And they had some great songs. And now I'm ready to start wondering about ,
"and I wear black leather"

First I'm using my guess and check method,

Happy Friday!!
Don't Touch Me There by The Tubes?
Don't Touch Me There by The Tubes?
I would have to Google it to confirm or deny, I was still trying to get the answer too. Good luck!

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