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4000 Posts Club (1 Viewer)


Major General Big Lug
DP Veteran
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Who's yer daddy!!!!

:2party: :july_4th:

*mumbles under breath*
teacher said:
4000 posts, aka, get a life club. Damn near worthy of a top ten. But I bet Canuck had you looking over your shoulder. That freak was a posting machine. Is he banned forever?

thats the conspiracy about it...I think thats why he was banned :shock:
teacher said:
4000 posts, aka, get a life club. Damn near worthy of a top ten. But I bet Canuck had you looking over your shoulder. That freak was a posting machine. Is he banned forever?

canuck's rate of posts per day was 23.02 before he was kicked out of the door...Mine is currently 29.03...He was actually losing ground...

And , "Yes"...he was given the heave-ho from another Mod for the duration of his existance in this world...
cnredd said:

canuck's rate of posts per day was 23.02 before he was kicked out of the door...Mine is currently 29.03...He was actually losing ground...

And , "Yes"...he was given the heave-ho from another Mod for the duration of his existance in this world...

Not really. Hes back under another alias. I thought you guys new this.
O btw, I still have more posts per day. :lol:

I think I have the most per day. I am not sure.
31.11? Whew, that's a lot of them, I'm still stuck at below 3/day(2.85). But I've also been here since April, a lot longer than most people, including you(and cnredd, what a loser, only since July HA!).

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