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$40 billion aid to Israel is 'largest ever' to any country, says Susan Rice (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 13, 2016
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This is the largest aid we have given to a country in the history of the US and it's about 78% of Lebanon's GDP in 2015. $40 Billion is only 8.7% of the GDP of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt combined.

The 10-year aid program would give Israel up to $40 billion to upgrade its military aircraft and missile defense systems, and to defend against militants in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, and al-Qaida and Islamic State affiliates in Syria and Egypt.

$40 billion aid package to Israel is 'largest ever' to any country, says Susan Rice - UPI.com
After all the interference obama had in the last israeli election, they deserve it. Susan rice should tell the pres to quit pissing off our allies.
But, isn't $40 Billion a bit much? That would be like sending Nissan, or alternatively 2/3 of Dow Chemical to Israel.

Forbes Welcome
Bibi clearly favors the GOP.

So let him wait and see if GOP President Trump will be as generous. I don't like Trump but 1 thing IMO he would do that I do like is that he would tell other countries to F'off and handle their own problems and finances.

So Bibi will take this money, even though it's coming from the current POTUS, a Jew hating Muslim in the WH. ( or so we've been told for the past 7 years from the Con AM talking heads and many in the GOP) :)
This is the largest aid we have given to a country in the history of the US and it's about 78% of Lebanon's GDP in 2015. $40 Billion is only 8.7% of the GDP of Lebanon, Syria and Egypt combined.

$40 billion aid package to Israel is 'largest ever' to any country, says Susan Rice - UPI.com

Meanwhile, American veterans suffer and some die waiting on VA healthcare. Washington's priorities follow the money.

Most Americans will vote the same bastards back in office. ****ing hell.
Keep in mind a goodly portion of that is going to end up with US-based defense contractors, who sell Israel much of their weaponry.

Viewed through this lens, this spending is U.S. economic stimulus as well as support for an ally.
Keep in mind a goodly portion of that is going to end up with US-based defense contractors, who sell Israel much of their weaponry.

Viewed through this lens, this spending is U.S. economic stimulus as well as support for an ally.

Would have a bigger stimulus if they divided up that $40 billion and gave every single American $120 to spend as they desire. You wouldn't be able to buy a new car but you could go out and treat the family or buy that new tool you wanted.

It is crazy to think if I give my neighbor $100 and he turns around and hires me for $20 to mow his lawn that I will be pleased to take my wife out to McDonald's for lunch with that $20.
Why don't we spend that money on fixing our own stuff instead?

Because we don't have that money. Although it seems we have a money printing press that works 24/7.
Keep in mind a goodly portion of that is going to end up with US-based defense contractors, who sell Israel much of their weaponry.

Viewed through this lens, this spending is U.S. economic stimulus as well as support for an ally.

Viewed through that lens, some foreign policy lobbyists need to be re-examined. That money could be spent in an economic stimulus that doesn't further entangle the US in the Middle East.
Would have a bigger stimulus if they divided up that $40 billion and gave every single American $120 to spend as they desire. You wouldn't be able to buy a new car but you could go out and treat the family or buy that new tool you wanted.

It is crazy to think if I give my neighbor $100 and he turns around and hires me for $20 to mow his lawn that I will be pleased to take my wife out to McDonald's for lunch with that $20.

We're propping up an important ally. The money coming back is gravy to a special interest.

Your analogy ignores our ongoing relationship with Israel. If you've committed to helping you neighbors family and they want\need $100, you give it to them. If part of that is they hire you to mow their lawn, then you've fulfilled a commitment AND you get to go to McDonalds!

Viewed through that lens, some foreign policy lobbyists need to be re-examined. That money could be spent in an economic stimulus that doesn't further entangle the US in the Middle East.

Fair point, but direct stimulus wouldn't directly help Israel or the defense contractors, both of whom are large campaign donors.

I don't see continued support of Israel as "further entanglement," as we couldn't possibly be more entangled with Israel. Anything short of full support would be a policy reversal.

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