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4 More Shootings Could Be Work of Phoenix Serial Killer (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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Political Leaning
Phoenix police have tied four more shootings — including a murder — to a string of incidents they believe are the work of a possible serial killer.
Investigators have now released a sketch of the gunman, who is suspected of killing seven people since March 18. The motive is unknown.

Last month, cops announced that they had connected four shootings in the Maryvale neighborhood in which victims were ambushed outside their homes, near their cars. Law enforcement sources told NBC News that physical evidence links the murders.

As part of the investigation, police began reviewing all shootings since the start of the year — a process that revealed four more crimes as part of the pattern. In two, the victims were wounded; in a third, a woman was killed. The fourth involved gunshots fired into an empty car.

4 More Shootings Could Be Work of Phoenix Serial Killer

Linked story has picture of suspect. I haven't heard of this until now. Any Phoenix area DP members have more info?
Saw this report elsewhere but nothing really different or new.
Besides they just need to take that evil gun away from him and everything will be fine, right?

Thats supposed to solve all of society's problems. Let not start another gun control thread though.
Saw this report elsewhere but nothing really different or new.
Besides they just need to take that evil gun away from him and everything will be fine, right?

First reply out of the starting blocks is an attempt to hijack the thread. Jeezus.
Nobody wants your gun. Go put it away and try to stay on topic.
First reply out of the starting blocks is an attempt to hijack the thread. Jeezus.
Nobody wants your gun. Go put it away and try to stay on topic.

I already addressed that with the OP so get off your soap box, Slick.
I already addressed that with the OP so get off your soap box, Slick.

Soap box? Oh, don't get me started. I purely luv to soap box.
I have noticed, now back to the topic, heard anything more or just bored?

I only know what I read on the internet.
First I'd heard of it was last night, though I don't really keep up with local news much lately.

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