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3 Florida Men Charged With Trying to Help ISIS (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Federal officials announced Friday Gregory Hubbard, aka Jibreel, 52, of West Palm Beach; Darren Arness Jackson, also known as Daoud, 50, also of West Palm Beach; and Dayne Atani Christian, also known as Shakur, 31, of Lake Park are under arrest for trying to join ISIS:

Three Florida men charged with trying to help ISIS - CBS News


I hope that the fact they're 3 African-American males isn't related to the recent police shootings and racial tensions. Otherwise, ISIS could have a field day by using such issues as a recruiting tool to gain influence on US soil.
i'm surprised one of them wasn't the orlando killer's dad, but then with the FBI, you never know what leads they're missing

however, i am confused how they can be arrested for this, but not KKK members in their extremely violent years
i'm surprised one of them wasn't the orlando killer's dad, but then with the FBI, you never know what leads they're missing

however, i am confused how they can be arrested for this, but not KKK members in their extremely violent years

The panthers, too.
The panthers, too.

really did the panthers have a long history of intimidation, mass murder of unarmed civilians, destruction of property, and circumventing justice like the KKK or ISIS? Sure, they fought the cops, who were quite brutal to them (even FBI agents allege there was a "plot to murder" panther members in their homes)
really did the panthers have a long history of intimidation, mass murder of unarmed civilians, destruction of property, and circumventing justice like the KKK or ISIS? Sure, they fought the cops, who were quite brutal to them (even FBI agents allege there was a "plot to murder" panther members in their homes)

The FBI threw The Constitution out the window to cripple the KKK.

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