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#3 al-Quida man killed (1 Viewer)

Nov 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
The Egyptian-born Rabia, who was in his 30s, served as the No. 3 man in al Qaeda, behind Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the officials said, adding that his responsibilities included external planning of terrorist acts. He replaced Abu Faraj al-Libbi, who was captured earlier this year, they said.

"He was a big fish in al Qaeda," Ahmed said.

KCConservative said:
The Egyptian-born Rabia, who was in his 30s, served as the No. 3 man in al Qaeda, behind Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the officials said, adding that his responsibilities included external planning of terrorist acts. He replaced Abu Faraj al-Libbi, who was captured earlier this year, they said.

"He was a big fish in al Qaeda," Ahmed said.


You knwo what the liberals are going to say about this right? There are going to say that the Bush regime and the NWO made this up. I am going to wait and hear them now. :rofl
Gee how ironic. How many times have they caught him now? I'm not sure but I know they killed Al zarqaowi almost 10 times by now. Good thing for Bush these guys keep popping up again. Here is a report from may (6 months ago):

"Where's The Media Retraction About Mr. Al-Qaeda Number Three?
The terrorist they didn't catch but tried to fool the American public with a spelling mistake

Paul Joseph Watson | May 18 2005

This website has documented many times before the fact that whenever an arrest of a high level terrorist suspect is announced in every single case they’re either dead, they’ve already been arrested or they pop up a week later in a different country.

If you believe this crap you need to do a little more research. This is the same old shyte, different day. There truley is nothing new under the sun.
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RealityCheck said:
Gee how ironic. How many times have they caught him now? I'm not sure but I know they killed Al zarqaowi almost 10 times by now. Good thing for Bush these guys keep popping up again. Here is a report from may (6 months ago):

"Where's The Media Retraction About Mr. Al-Qaeda Number Three?
The terrorist they didn't catch but tried to fool the American public with a spelling mistake

Paul Joseph Watson | May 18 2005

This website has documented many times before the fact that whenever an arrest of a high level terrorist suspect is announced in every single case they’re either dead, they’ve already been arrested or they pop up a week later in a different country.
Wow where do you get this stuff? From the exile in Moscow?
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You knwo what the liberals are going to say about this right? There are going to say that the Bush regime and the NWO made this up. I am going to wait and hear them now. :rofl

You would not be ROTFL if you had a clue that the Bush regime has nothing to do with the NWO.
I don't know if Fox news broadcasts in Moscow, but it might.
RealityCheck said:
You would not be ROTFL if you had a clue that the Bush regime has nothing to do with the NWO.

And you wouldnt have your head so far up your____ if you knew anything on reality.
And you wouldnt have your head so far up your____ if you knew anything on reality.

Lets debate facts here. Don't resort to insults and attacks. I'm all about looking at the facts and making desicions based on the the facts. We are discussing facts reported on by Fox news, a mainstream news network. What is your opinion that this type of incident is reported on every other week? How many times have they "killed " Al Zaquari? Don't you have a problem
they report this multiple times? How many times does the average human die?
RealityCheck said:
Lets debate facts here. Don't resort to insults and attacks. I'm all about looking at the facts and making desicions based on the the facts. We are discussing facts reported on by Fox news, a mainstream news network. What is your opinion that this type of incident is reported on every other week? How many times have they "killed " Al Zaquari? Don't you have a problem
they report this multiple times? How many times does the average human die?
Ok lets do. So where are your facts for your conspiracy theory? I would love to hear these?
Also if you follow the news like most of everyone else does then you would have a good understanding on what the facts are.
I was not presenting facts of any conspiracy theory. I was presenting facts that the top Al Quedia leaders are reported killed over an over. It can only be true one time. If you would like to debate those facts I will be happy to, and i am more than happy to post the mainstream sources reporting those "facts".

If you were to follow the facts and news like you claim to, you would know that this has happend before. Perhaps you just forgot.
You knwo what the liberals are going to say about this right? There are going to say that the Bush regime and the NWO made this up. I am going to wait and hear them now. :rofl

Do you classify anyone who questions dubious reports such as this one, as a "liberal".
Reality Check,
Per Forum Rules:

8. Copyrighted Material -

1) All material posted from copyrighted material MUST
contain a link to the original work.

2) Please do not post entire articles.

3) Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest.

Best bet is to always reference the original source.
Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html
RealityCheck said:
I was not presenting facts of any conspiracy theory. I was presenting facts that the top Al Quedia leaders are reported killed over an over. It can only be true one time. If you would like to debate those facts I will be happy to, and i am more than happy to post the mainstream sources reporting those "facts".

If you were to follow the facts and news like you claim to, you would know that this has happend before. Perhaps you just forgot.

You said that if we believed this article, we were out of touch with reality. Therefore, you must be claiming that it didn't happen. Evidence please.

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