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2008: McCain Edges Hillary, Edwards Crushed (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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In a new poll, John McCain edges out Hillary Clinton by a margin of 44-42, and smokes John Kerry 53-35, while Hillary crushes John Edwards 41-14. Other Democratic primary contenders fare even worse. While McCain would be much better than we have now, he is still not Conservative enough, but if he beats Hillary, I can live with it.

Article is here.
McCain will have no shot at winning the nomination unless he runs as an Independent, in which case he would make a very formidable candidate.

Not conservative enough? McCain is more conservative than most Republicans; the fact that he takes a lot of shots at George Bush doesn't make him a moderate, it just makes him nonpartisan. The only issue that I can think of that McCain is "liberal," is campaign finance reform.
Not conservative enough? McCain is more conservative than most Republicans; the fact that he takes a lot of shots at George Bush doesn't make him a moderate, it just makes him nonpartisan. The only issue that I can think of that McCain is "liberal," is campaign finance reform.

I still would rather have him then Hillary. Ugh. . I hate that woman!
I'd rather have McCain than Hillary too, although I think they'd both be miles better than the current moron in the White House.

If John McCain ran as an independent, he could turn out to be one of the most principled, most competent presidents this country has seen in many decades.
McCain has no chance of getting the 2008 Republican nomination because the ultra-conservative base has taken over the party. Also, a Hillary candidacy will turn out an unprecedented number of female voters. Current studies estimate that Hillary would carry the white female vote by 10-15%. Remember that Bush carried the white female vote by 14% over Kerry. This translates to about an 8 million vote lead for Hillary right out of the gate. The only person on the republican side that has a chance against her is Condi Rice. Rice will never get the republican nomination; the conservative base that has hijacked the party would never allow it.
Kandahar said:
If John McCain ran as an independent, he could turn out to be one of the most principled, most competent presidents this country has seen in many decades.

If McCain ran as an independent, he'd end up splitting the conservative vote like Ross Perot did.
barefootguy said:
If McCain ran as an independent, he'd end up splitting the conservative vote like Ross Perot did.

No he wouldn't. He'd bury the Republican candidate alive, and probably the Democrat too. While I don't think McCain is really a moderate himself, he does appeal to a lot of moderate voters who are sick of the partisan hacks that win the nomination of the two main parties.

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