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18-25 and Selective Service - Are You Ready? (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Ok.. By some of the activity here its clear we do have a young demographic element at DP. That's a good thing as we all should want a perspective that covers a broad segment of our society.

I'm curious what the 18-25 year old's think about the draft?

Are you ready to go and fight Joe's war?

Maybe pull a 60's era move and head for Canada?

Again, curious as I'm an old goat. Just wondering about you younger cats who may face the draft if the worst happens.

Oh, and hats off to those that would sign up anyway.


Selective Service​

Learn how a military draft works and find out if and how you need to register for Selective Service.

The Draft​

A draft is the mandatory enrollment of individuals into the armed forces. The United States military has been all-volunteer since 1973. But an act of Congress could still reinstate the draft in case of a national emergency. The Selective Service System is the agency that registers men and is responsible for running a draft.

Who Must Register with Selective Service​

  • Almost all men ages 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to register with Selective Service. Citizens must register within 30 days of turning 18. Immigrants must register within 30 days of arriving in the U.S.
  • Men in the U.S. on student, visitor, or diplomatic visas and men who are incarcerated are not required to register. For other exemptions and for transgender people, see the Who Must Register (PDF, Download Adobe Reader) chart.

I have not seen any real calls for a draft , this seems a little premature considering we maintained 2 wars for a decade and one for 20 years without needing to call anyone up to serve
I have not seen any real calls for a draft , this seems a little premature considering we maintained 2 wars for a decade and one for 20 years without needing to call anyone up to serve
I think it is certain if we go to war with Russia there will be a draft.
I think it is certain if we go to war with Russia there will be a draft.

If we go to war with Russia, there won't be TIME for a draft.

You get 20-35 minutes to get your shit in order and that's it.
A while back I read somewhere that a large percentage of American males are soft and in such poor physical condition that they would not qualify for military service. True? I have no idea.

If we reach a point now or in the foreseeable future that the draft would be necessary I suspect it will be too late. The draft likely won't be of much use during a nuclear war. The young ones who might survive won't be the soft fat ones.

Nonetheless, your OP is a good one. The answers you receive may be very interesting.
I think it is certain if we go to war with Russia there will be a draft.
That’s a lot of if and but’s that are not a concern for me at the moment
No, I'm not ready for more nonsensical imaginations, but hey, why should today be any different.
I think it is certain if we go to war with Russia there will be a draft.
Ridiculous on so many levels. You are just here to whine about Biden.
-It’s Putin‘s war. He started it. You’re siding with Putin because you just hate democrats that much.
-We’re not in it.
-We’re not going to attack Russia, we don’t need to.
-Even we did attack Russia, we don’t need a draft. Russia is struggling against Ukraine, a country with like 1/10 the military budget. Meanwhile, the US military budget is more than ten times Russia’s, is more technologically advanced, our troops are better trained, and morale is higher. We’d wipe the floor with Russia’s conventional military forces.
-Any war desperate enough to require a draft will have already gone nuclear and at that point we aren’t capable of an organized draft anymore because our civilization has collapsed.

You’re just whining about Biden. Sad.
If we go to war with Russia, there won't be TIME for a draft.

You get 20-35 minutes to get your shit in order and that's it.

When the shit hits the fan let's hope we are already in Rocky Point with excellent tequila, cold beer and a mass of good people.
A while back I read somewhere that a large percentage of American males are soft and in such poor physical condition that they would not qualify for military service. True? I have no idea.

If we reach a point now or in the foreseeable future that the draft would be necessary I suspect it will be too late. The draft likely won't be of much use during a nuclear war. The young ones who might survive won't be the soft fat ones.

Nonetheless, your OP is a good one. The answers you receive may be very interesting.
The draft would be great as long as there is no exception for senators kids or "bone spur" letters like the one Trumps dad and other rich folks paid for.

Everyone should have skin in the game.

Perhaps the powerful and wealthy would make better decisions if their own kids were going to be in the infantry.
“Joe’s War”? I’ve been off the internet for the last two hours. Did I miss something?
More insipid garbage from the OP
Ok.. By some of the activity here its clear we do have a young demographic element at DP. That's a good thing as we all should want a perspective that covers a broad segment of our society.

I'm curious what the 18-25 year old's think about the draft?

Are you ready to go and fight Joe's war?

Maybe pull a 60's era move and head for Canada?

Again, curious as I'm an old goat. Just wondering about you younger cats who may face the draft if the worst happens.

Oh, and hats off to those that would sign up anyway.


Selective Service​

Learn how a military draft works and find out if and how you need to register for Selective Service.

The Draft​

A draft is the mandatory enrollment of individuals into the armed forces. The United States military has been all-volunteer since 1973. But an act of Congress could still reinstate the draft in case of a national emergency. The Selective Service System is the agency that registers men and is responsible for running a draft.

Who Must Register with Selective Service​

  • Almost all men ages 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to register with Selective Service. Citizens must register within 30 days of turning 18. Immigrants must register within 30 days of arriving in the U.S.
  • Men in the U.S. on student, visitor, or diplomatic visas and men who are incarcerated are not required to register. For other exemptions and for transgender people, see the Who Must Register (PDF, Download Adobe Reader) chart.


I have not seen any real calls for a draft , this seems a little premature considering we maintained 2 wars for a decade and one for 20 years without needing to call anyone up to serve
He is fishing for G2. Have you not figured the OP out yet????????
I think it is certain if we go to war with Russia there will be a draft.

We just fought a 20 year war without a draft, but hey you have your finger on the pulse of America.

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