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15 years 911 twin towers was it a controlled demolition ??? (1 Viewer)

911 TWIN TOWERS was it a demolition or plane???

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DP Veteran
Jul 16, 2013
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I happened to be on you tube and decided to look at a 911 conspiracy video. I said to myself let me look at these nutty people... but guess what???? these were scientist , structural engineers , physicist , architects, firemen and demolition experts. these are very educated people. and there was a lot of information on how this could be done with the right people in the right place.. and that was also proven. These people are not politicians and are not receiving any money or fame for this. They have absolutely nothing to gain from this if you have not seen these videos please look at them.. have an open mind!! funny that there was a phyciatrist on there and she said the average American citizen will refuse to believe in there minds anyone in control of the United States would kill there own citizens to go to war. and her statement is so true...I was one of them... please look at the videos 911 conspiracies on youtube then come back and vote. let me know if your mind was changed or not

If you have not taken time to look at the videos please don't vote...You will not have the proper information to properly decide
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I happened to be on you tube and decided to look at a 911 conspiracy video. I said to myself let me look at these nutty people... but guess what???? these were scientist , structural engineers , physicist , architects, firemen and demolition experts. these are very educated people. and there was a lot of information on how this could be done with the right people in the right place.. and that was also proven.. if you have not seen these videos please look at them.. have an open mind!! funny that there was a phyciatrist on there and she said the average American citizen will refuse to believe in there minds anyone in control of the United States would kill there own citizens to go to war. and her statement is so true...I was one of them... please look at the videos 911 conspiracies on youtube then come back and vote. let me know if your mind was changed or not
Seen them before. Not.
This is not the conspiracy theory forum.
I happened to be on you tube and decided to look at a 911 conspiracy video. I said to myself let me look at these nutty people... but guess what???? these were scientist , structural engineers , physicist , architects, firemen and demolition experts. these are very educated people. and there was a lot of information on how this could be done with the right people in the right place.. and that was also proven.. if you have not seen these videos please look at them.. have an open mind!! funny that there was a phyciatrist on there and she said the average American citizen will refuse to believe in there minds anyone in control of the United States would kill there own citizens to go to war. and her statement is so true...I was one of them... please look at the videos 911 conspiracies on youtube then come back and vote. let me know if your mind was changed or not

Were these the ones that were still in their straight jackets or were they out on good behaviour after responding well to psychotropic therapy?
I happened to be on you tube and decided to look at a 911 conspiracy video. I said to myself let me look at these nutty people... but guess what???? these were scientist , structural engineers , physicist , architects, firemen and demolition experts. these are very educated people. and there was a lot of information on how this could be done with the right people in the right place.. and that was also proven. These people are not politicians and are not receiving any money or fame for this. They have absolutely nothing to gain from this if you have not seen these videos please look at them.. have an open mind!! funny that there was a phyciatrist on there and she said the average American citizen will refuse to believe in there minds anyone in control of the United States would kill there own citizens to go to war. and her statement is so true...I was one of them... please look at the videos 911 conspiracies on youtube then come back and vote. let me know if your mind was changed or not

If you have not taken time to look at the videos please don't vote...You will not have the proper information to properly decide

Poll is incomplete.

Correct answer (supported by investigations and science) is a COMBINATION of fire and structural damage led to the collapse of the towers.
I happened to be on you tube and decided to look at a 911 conspiracy video. I said to myself let me look at these nutty people... but guess what???? these were scientist , structural engineers , physicist , architects, firemen and demolition experts. these are very educated people. and there was a lot of information on how this could be done with the right people in the right place.. and that was also proven. These people are not politicians and are not receiving any money or fame for this. They have absolutely nothing to gain from this if you have not seen these videos please look at them.. have an open mind!! funny that there was a phyciatrist on there and she said the average American citizen will refuse to believe in there minds anyone in control of the United States would kill there own citizens to go to war. and her statement is so true...I was one of them... please look at the videos 911 conspiracies on youtube then come back and vote. let me know if your mind was changed or not

If you have not taken time to look at the videos please don't vote...You will not have the proper information to properly decide

I've seen plenty of 9/11 Truther videos. Back in the Myspace days I used to chat with morons who claimed that the Twin Towers were blown up, steel can't melt, no plane hit the Pentagon or crashed in PA, etc. They were all insane, putting it as nicely as I can.
Just like the psychiatrist said...refusal The people in control of this country when this happened got just what they said they would get from American citizens... sad I deal with logic not emotions I will put my cards on the structural engineers not politicians
Just like the psychiatrist said...refusal The people in control of this country when this happened got just what they said they would get from American citizens... sad I deal with logic not emotions I will put my cards on the structural engineers not politicians

Refusal of what?

And which psychiatrist?

And structural engineers? Who?
We all saw both planes crash into the Twin Towers. The combination of fire and impact caused the buildings to collapse. The buildings were built to fall into themselves just as they did. Almost 3,000 Americans died on that day including hundreds of brave police and firefighters. Radical Islamists did it and rejoiced in it. People who say it was all a lie really piss me off.
Moderator's Warning:
Moving to the appropriate forum.
airplane fuel is mainly kerosene not hot enough to melt steel plus the fire did not burn hot.... the 47 support beams were not going anywhere mainly the vertical ones.. (physics) not wishful thinking.... but that's ok i understand
Just like the psychiatrist said...refusal The people in control of this country when this happened got just what they said they would get from American citizens... sad I deal with logic not emotions I will put my cards on the structural engineers not politicians

Which structural engineers?
15 years 911 twin towers was it a controlled demolition ???

still no
airplane fuel is mainly kerosene not hot enough to melt steel plus the fire did not burn hot.... the 47 support beams were not going anywhere mainly the vertical ones.. (physics) not wishful thinking.... but that's ok i understand
All dealt with and explained a while ago. There is no need to go over it again.
So two of the 3 possible answers are actually questions :confused:

No thanks.
Well, I was in NYC at the time.

I watched the buildings come down. I've seen other buildings come down as the result, of fire, crash, explosions of various types, and demolition.

I am absolutely certain that building 7 came down in a controlled demolition.

As for Towers 1 and 2? I am yet to be convinced both towers would come down in the equivalent of a controlled descent. It simply flies in the face of my (admittedly limited) knowledge of physics and my personal observation of other building collapses.

Now I am aware that anything is possible, so I am willing to be convinced by clear and convincing evidence that those collapses occurred solely as a direct result of the damages caused by the plane impacts and subsequent fires.

However, such proof has yet to be provided, therefore I find it strange that so many people are willing to buy into the party line when simply looking at the video evidence argues otherwise. :coffeepap:
Well, I was in NYC at the time.

I watched the buildings come down. I've seen other buildings come down as the result, of fire, crash, explosions of various types, and demolition.

I am absolutely certain that building 7 came down in a controlled demolition.

As for Towers 1 and 2? I am yet to be convinced both towers would come down in the equivalent of a controlled descent. It simply flies in the face of my (admittedly limited) knowledge of physics and my personal observation of other building collapses.

Now I am aware that anything is possible, so I am willing to be convinced by clear and convincing evidence that those collapses occurred solely as a direct result of the damages caused by the plane impacts and subsequent fires.

However, such proof has yet to be provided, therefore I find it strange that so many people are willing to buy into the party line when simply looking at the video evidence argues otherwise. :coffeepap:
Looking at a video is fine but the actual evidence points to plane crashes, fires and damage.
Why would the government have to kill people massive amounts of US citizens to get the war they wanted? They could just set up a civil war or something in the country in question and pretend as if they were helping to restore peace when it started.

It would make sense to kill American citizens if the government wanted massive amounts of power for themselves and wanted the people to approve. Getting a war however is extremely easy and I see no reason why it would be necessary to kill American citizens for it.
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The poll is not correct in what choices it is providing. Hence, I did not vote.

The statements you have made regarding fuel, steel, etc. have been addressed over the years.

So why don't your point to the vid or report your believe best explains your beliefs on 9/11.
Well, I was in NYC at the time.

I watched the buildings come down. I've seen other buildings come down as the result, of fire, crash, explosions of various types, and demolition.

I am absolutely certain that building 7 came down in a controlled demolition.

As for Towers 1 and 2? I am yet to be convinced both towers would come down in the equivalent of a controlled descent. It simply flies in the face of my (admittedly limited) knowledge of physics and my personal observation of other building collapses.

Now I am aware that anything is possible, so I am willing to be convinced by clear and convincing evidence that those collapses occurred solely as a direct result of the damages caused by the plane impacts and subsequent fires.

However, such proof has yet to be provided, therefore I find it strange that so many people are willing to buy into the party line when simply looking at the video evidence argues otherwise. :coffeepap:

The Twin Towers were built to fall into themselves so as to limit the destruction around them.

Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation
I happened to be on you tube and decided to look at a 911 conspiracy video. I said to myself let me look at these nutty people... but guess what???? these were scientist , structural engineers , physicist , architects, firemen and demolition experts. these are very educated people. and there was a lot of information on how this could be done with the right people in the right place.. and that was also proven. These people are not politicians and are not receiving any money or fame for this. They have absolutely nothing to gain from this if you have not seen these videos please look at them.. have an open mind!! funny that there was a phyciatrist on there and she said the average American citizen will refuse to believe in there minds anyone in control of the United States would kill there own citizens to go to war. and her statement is so true...I was one of them... please look at the videos 911 conspiracies on youtube then come back and vote. let me know if your mind was changed or not

If you have not taken time to look at the videos please don't vote...You will not have the proper information to proprly decide

Yeah......your probably shouldn't be wasting so much time on YouTube anyway.
Just like the psychiatrist said...refusal The people in control of this country when this happened got just what they said they would get from American citizens... sad I deal with logic not emotions I will put my cards on the structural engineers not politicians

I saw the planes fly into the Towers... I saw them burning... I saw them collapse...

There was nothing Controlled Demolition about it.

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