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“Disinformation Governance Board” a good idea? (1 Viewer)

“Disinformation Governance Board” a good idea?

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Sounds like a great idea to me, I mean if you can’t trust the government to decide for everyone what “truth” is, who can you trust?
Damn, X, you’re a little late to the party!
Sounds like a great idea to me, I mean if you can’t trust the government to decide for everyone what “truth” is, who can you trust?
Anybody that trusts the US government after Vietnam, Iran Contra or Iraq is an idiot.
Sounds like a great idea to me, I mean if you can’t trust the government to decide for everyone what “truth” is, who can you trust?
Would you trust Trump to be in charge of the "truth"?
Sounds like a great idea to me, I mean if you can’t trust the government to decide for everyone what “truth” is, who can you trust?
Republicans have a disinformation outlet. It's called Fox News. Democrats are allowed to have a forum for refuting disinformation.

If your hair is on fire because Biden is creating a board for refuting disinformation, then I'm surprised your hair isn't on fire because he has a press secretary too. Well, actually, you probably are pissed off by that.
Sounds like a great idea to me, I mean if you can’t trust the government to decide for everyone what “truth” is, who can you trust?
Not just no but hell no. It might sound good to some because their side is currently in charge.However they should remember that elections swing back and forth and their side won't always be in charge of what information is correct or incorrect.
Doesn’t one need to be able to identify what one is ”in charge” of?
Isn't the President in charge of the executive branch? I mean, that's what people kept saying about Trump when he was President.

Or, do you maintain that Biden isn't in charge of the executive branch?

I don't know...maybe you should clarify what you are talking about.
This is almost as funny as when Republicans lost their minds because Hasbro changed the name of a toy.
Isn't the President in charge of the executive branch? I mean, that's what people kept saying about Trump when he was President.

Or, do you maintain that Biden isn't in charge of the executive branch?

I don't know...maybe you should clarify what you are talking about.
After you finish the 19th hole we can talk more…….
Sounds like a great idea to me, I mean if you can’t trust the government to decide for everyone what “truth” is, who can you trust?

Not just no, but HELL NO!

Shades of the "Ministry of Truth" ala "1984" fame.

We don't need any government agency telling us what "truth" is.

Especially as a subsidiary of the "Department of Homeland Security."

We actually need more government transparency. Too many alphabet soup agencies harboring secrets to "protect us."

We also need truly free speech forums, and for Media (social, news, information) to be clear on when they report facts and when they are simply offering opinions/commentary.

As for monitoring such free speech arenas, we already have civil libel and slander laws, including criminal libel in some states:

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Not only is a timely decision, I think Biden’s pick to head up the new agency shows that this is a well thought out policy decision!

Nina Jankowicz Is just the ”right fit!”

Republicans have a disinformation outlet. It's called Fox News. Democrats are allowed to have a forum for refuting disinformation.

If your hair is on fire because Biden is creating a board for refuting disinformation, then I'm surprised your hair isn't on fire because he has a press secretary too. Well, actually, you probably are pissed off by that.
Disinformation is often in the eye of the beholder. I bet to this day you still believe Trump “colluded” with Russia.

Some gov't nitwit (especially one pretending she's Mary Poppins) being given carte blanche to define "disinformation" is a dumpster fire of potential abuse. If i were election-vulnerable Democrats, i'd speak out against this yesterday because message-wise, this is right up there with "Defund the Police", which the GOP will beat them with in campaign ads from now until Election Day.
This is almost as funny as when Republicans lost their minds because Hasbro changed the name of a toy.
Somebody’s feeling defensive. Lol.

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