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“60 Million Frenchmen Can't be Wrong” (1 Viewer)


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May 31, 2005
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“60 Million Frenchmen Can't be Wrong”
By: By: John Armor
RightConservative.com 06-02-05

The title quote is from Le Monde a year ago. It has been updated over the decades, as France has grown. It is false. That many Frenchmen (or Englishmen, or Americans) can be wrong. The French proved that this week in voting down the proposed Constitution of the European Union.

Oh, they were quite right to vote it down, as was the Netherlands, later in the week. The error was in their reasons for voting it down.

Unlike most who’ve written on this story, I read that 28-page constitutional monstrosity. Here are a few examples why this is a mishmash of (presumably) good intentions, but nothing resembling enforceable law. The Preamble states the purpose as, “to live together in freedom, justice and peace, to advance our common interests in the world, and resolved to continue the process of creating an ever closer Union among the peoples of Europe, whilst respecting the diverse cultures of Europe,...”

This Constitution does not even define its own terms. Under Founding Values, it says, “(4) The Union shall respect fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the European Social Charter of Turin and the constitutional traditions common to the Member States.” So other sources and documents, unknown to the people voting to ratify or reject this Constitution, will define it in unknown ways at unknown times.

Read the full article
Somewhat related to this thread. I would like to take this opportunity to state that I, Simon W. Moon, think posting blurbs from articles and nothing else- no commentary or anything- makes for exceptionally lame OPs.
Simon W. Moon said:
Somewhat related to this thread. I would like to take this opportunity to state that I, Simon W. Moon, think posting blurbs from articles and nothing else- no commentary or anything- makes for exceptionally lame OPs.

I agree.

BTW what does KSC stand for?
Seriously, though. Aren't the French people who voted this down just protectionists? They don't want to open up their markets to the rest of Europe and they believe that they are fighting against capitalism.

Now there are probably good reasons for opposing the constitution. I haven't read the whole thing, but it doesn't seem to limit the power of the central government in any meaningful way like our constitution. It's been influenced by to European socialism.

If Europe had a full common market amoung its members like we have in the US, their economy would be far better off. The French won't go for it, but maybe Tony Blair can lead the way.
Connecticutter said:
Seriously, though. Aren't the French people who voted this down just protectionists? They don't want to open up their markets to the rest of Europe and they believe that they are fighting against capitalism.

Yes the French are protectionist ba*tards but no they dont believe in fighting capitalism where the hell did u get that from? It's not that they don't want to open their market up to Europe but rather everywhere else. Britains also protectionist and yes a giant culprit is also the US. I do hope against all the odds we do get it together tho and form a superpower simply to counter America.
matay_brit said:
Yes the French are protectionist ba*tards but no they dont believe in fighting capitalism where the hell did u get that from? It's not that they don't want to open their market up to Europe but rather everywhere else. Britains also protectionist and yes a giant culprit is also the US. I do hope against all the odds we do get it together tho and form a superpower simply to counter America.

Ah - I'm sorry I need to correct myself. I was talking specifically about the leftist opposition to the constitution. I believe that the socialist party in France gets into the double digits on vote percentage, but I'm not sure. I know that there are people all over the political specrum that were both in support and in the opposition.
matay_brit said:
Connecticutter said:
Seriously, though. Aren't the French people who voted this down just protectionists? They don't want to open up their markets to the rest of Europe and they believe that they are fighting against capitalism.

Yes the French are protectionist ba*tards but no they dont believe in fighting capitalism where the hell did u get that from? It's not that they don't want to open their market up to Europe but rather everywhere else. Britains also protectionist and yes a giant culprit is also the US. I do hope against all the odds we do get it together tho and form a superpower simply to counter America.

Try reading the bbc, and guardian, there are some wonderful articles

indicating a gallic opposition to "anglo saxon liberal economic policies".

Seems like your allies want to counter you. :eek:

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