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‘Rigged election’ goes from Trump complaint to campaign strategy (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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‘Rigged election’ goes from Trump complaint to campaign strategy - POLITICO

The notion that the president might not accept the election results has jumped from the partisan fever swamps to center stage in the campaign.

Donald Trump’s suggestion that he might try to delay the election — or might not accept the result — is rapidly coming to the forefront of the presidential campaign, foreshadowing a final stretch roiled not only by the coronavirus and the economy, but by clashes over the nation’s most fundamental democratic norms.

Though Trump has no authority to move the election — an idea he floated Thursday — Democrats are already bracing for Republican challenges to absentee ballots and at vote counting on Election Day. They have good cause to be prepared: the president has repeatedly raised the prospect of a “rigged election” and recently declined to say if he’ll accept the results.
I caught a minute or so of Trump's speech today t the RNC: if he fails in the vote count, the election was rigged. IOW, he will not accept results. This will drag on for a long time until it gets to SCOTUS.
Re: ‘Rigged electionâ€[emoji769] goes from Trump complaint to campaign strategy

‘Rigged election’ goes from Trump complaint to campaign strategy - POLITICO

The notion that the president might not accept the election results has jumped from the partisan fever swamps to center stage in the campaign.

Donald Trump’s suggestion that he might try to delay the election — or might not accept the result — is rapidly coming to the forefront of the presidential campaign, foreshadowing a final stretch roiled not only by the coronavirus and the economy, but by clashes over the nation’s most fundamental democratic norms.

Though Trump has no authority to move the election — an idea he floated Thursday — Democrats are already bracing for Republican challenges to absentee ballots and at vote counting on Election Day. They have good cause to be prepared: the president has repeatedly raised the prospect of a “rigged election” and recently declined to say if he’ll accept the results.
I caught a minute or so of Trump's speech today t the RNC: if he fails in the vote count, the election was rigged. IOW, he will not accept results. This will drag on for a long time until it gets to SCOTUS.
What is "at vote counting"?

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