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‘I wouldn’t recommend this restaurant to anyone’: White TikToker says restaurant kicked out his date because she’s Black (1 Viewer)

World Champs

DP Veteran
Apr 21, 2022
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In a viral TikTok posted on Sunday, @theericbryanstone says that his date, a Black woman, faced discrimination while the two were having drinks at The Lovelace bar in New York City.

“She got there before I did, and they had her go to the back of the bar and restaurant,” Eric Bryan Stone says in the video, which was viewed over 473,000 by Monday. “Even though, when I got there, there was plenty of tables for two people in the front. But they made her go to the back.”

The pair then overheard groups of white women saying that they were bothered by @theericbryanstone being with a Black woman. Stone says the couple was eventually kicked out of the restaurant for being too drunk.

“We had two drinks each. They were doubles, but we had two drinks and one shot,” he explains in the TikTok. “That’s nothing.”

The TikToker said he spoke with multiple employees at the restaurant who told him that the reason they were being kicked out was that they were too drunk.

On his Instagram, Stone wrote when he refused to pay the bill, security at the restaurant tackled him and called the police.

“I will [be filing] a lawsuit against them for discrimination and body injuries,” he wrote on his Instagram. “Please leave a bad review on this place because they clearly are too comfortable doing this and I wouldn’t doubt they have a history of doing this to people of color.”
He drank without paying the bill? Even if what he said is true, he is still stealing booze.
Sounds like he might still be drunk. I lived in NY for much of my life and as a general statement no one gives a damn who dates who and the only color most restaurants
care about is the color of money.

Could it have happened? Sure. But I’m skeptical and it’s gonna take more than the word of some tick tock mope to vonvince me otherwise.
View attachment 67387330
In a viral TikTok posted on Sunday, @theericbryanstone says that his date, a Black woman, faced discrimination while the two were having drinks at The Lovelace bar in New York City.

“She got there before I did, and they had her go to the back of the bar and restaurant,” Eric Bryan Stone says in the video, which was viewed over 473,000 by Monday. “Even though, when I got there, there was plenty of tables for two people in the front. But they made her go to the back.”

The pair then overheard groups of white women saying that they were bothered by @theericbryanstone being with a Black woman. Stone says the couple was eventually kicked out of the restaurant for being too drunk.

“We had two drinks each. They were doubles, but we had two drinks and one shot,” he explains in the TikTok. “That’s nothing.”

The TikToker said he spoke with multiple employees at the restaurant who told him that the reason they were being kicked out was that they were too drunk.

On his Instagram, Stone wrote when he refused to pay the bill, security at the restaurant tackled him and called the police.

“I will [be filing] a lawsuit against them for discrimination and body injuries,” he wrote on his Instagram. “Please leave a bad review on this place because they clearly are too comfortable doing this and I wouldn’t doubt they have a history of doing this to people of color.”
A poser
A [c]rapper wannabe
A cop hater who wants to take out whites
A felon who can't handle his liquor
A "prominent" person no one has ever heard of but whom a handful of blacks love
A foul-mouthed narcissist who imagines he's going to run for president - "or some higher office"

...and now a common thief.

Boy, when you idolize someone - you really pick 'em don't you?
I am skeptical we are hearing the whole story
I wouldn't worry about it.

Apparently we're going to get to suffer through a lot more threads idolizing this "prominent" poser whom no one's heard of before before he's flushed for good.

And I doubt anything new the OP has yet to share with us will ever make the whole story any more palatable than the :poop: we've been served about him thus far.
View attachment 67387330
In a viral TikTok posted on Sunday, @theericbryanstone says that his date, a Black woman, faced discrimination while the two were having drinks at The Lovelace bar in New York City.

“She got there before I did, and they had her go to the back of the bar and restaurant,” Eric Bryan Stone says in the video, which was viewed over 473,000 by Monday. “Even though, when I got there, there was plenty of tables for two people in the front. But they made her go to the back.”

The pair then overheard groups of white women saying that they were bothered by @theericbryanstone being with a Black woman. Stone says the couple was eventually kicked out of the restaurant for being too drunk.

“We had two drinks each. They were doubles, but we had two drinks and one shot,” he explains in the TikTok. “That’s nothing.”

The TikToker said he spoke with multiple employees at the restaurant who told him that the reason they were being kicked out was that they were too drunk.

On his Instagram, Stone wrote when he refused to pay the bill, security at the restaurant tackled him and called the police.

“I will [be filing] a lawsuit against them for discrimination and body injuries,” he wrote on his Instagram. “Please leave a bad review on this place because they clearly are too comfortable doing this and I wouldn’t doubt they have a history of doing this to people of color.”
Still on this little PR project of yours huh!
I wouldn't worry about it.

Apparently we're going to get to suffer through a lot more threads idolizing this "prominent" poser whom no one's heard of before before he's flushed for good.

And I doubt anything new the OP has yet to share with us will ever make the whole story any more palatable than the :poop: we've been served about him thus far.
Why do you think there would be more than one thread on this?
Why do you think there would be more than one thread on this?
This is the first thread you've seen about this poser?

Ooooh are you missing out...

and not to be outdone, there are these gems he's promoting too:

This is the first thread you've seen about this poser?

Ooooh are you missing out...

and not to be outdone, there are these gems he's promoting too:

Dude seems a bit obsessed.
View attachment 67387330
In a viral TikTok posted on Sunday, @theericbryanstone says that his date, a Black woman, faced discrimination while the two were having drinks at The Lovelace bar in New York City.

“She got there before I did, and they had her go to the back of the bar and restaurant,” Eric Bryan Stone says in the video, which was viewed over 473,000 by Monday. “Even though, when I got there, there was plenty of tables for two people in the front. But they made her go to the back.”

The pair then overheard groups of white women saying that they were bothered by @theericbryanstone being with a Black woman. Stone says the couple was eventually kicked out of the restaurant for being too drunk.

“We had two drinks each. They were doubles, but we had two drinks and one shot,” he explains in the TikTok. “That’s nothing.”

The TikToker said he spoke with multiple employees at the restaurant who told him that the reason they were being kicked out was that they were too drunk.

On his Instagram, Stone wrote when he refused to pay the bill, security at the restaurant tackled him and called the police.

“I will [be filing] a lawsuit against them for discrimination and body injuries,” he wrote on his Instagram. “Please leave a bad review on this place because they clearly are too comfortable doing this and I wouldn’t doubt they have a history of doing this to people of color.”
Was any alcohol consumed before they entered the place?
Were the tables at the front reserved or something?
Need more information on the context around this event.
Sounds like he might still be drunk. I lived in NY for much of my life and as a general statement no one gives a damn who dates who and the only color most restaurants
care about is the color of money.

Could it have happened? Sure. But I’m skeptical and it’s gonna take more than the word of some tick tock mope to vonvince me otherwise.

I know. It's hard to imagine any NYC bar without mixed race couples all over the place. This bar would never make it if this was really their attitude toward all mixed race couples. Something tells me there was something different about this particular case and there is a little more to the story.
Was any alcohol consumed before they entered the place?
Were the tables at the front reserved or something?
Need more information on the context around this event.
If it were important, then yeah, maybe a little more context would be helpful...

....but no - there's really nothing that'd make this event and those involved worth knowing any more about.

He was homeless, that is why he had a criminal record. Stone grew up poor in Oklahoma, and his father worked to send him overseas to the Phillipines. He has no degree. He's a street hustler. He barely graduated high school.

He has a problem with white people because when he was homeless in LA after being a failed actor, NO white person helped him. NONE. It was Black people. Black people. So he has an affinity for black people.

He said he would live in a urban ghetto than a white suburb any time of the day. Any time of the day.
He was homeless, that is why he had a criminal record. Stone grew up poor in Oklahoma, and his father worked to send him overseas to the Phillipines. He has no degree. He's a street hustler. He barely graduated high school.

He has a problem with white people because when he was homeless in LA after being a failed actor, NO white person helped him. NONE. It was Black people. Black people. So he has an affinity for black people.

He said he would live in a urban ghetto than a white suburb any time of the day. Any time of the day.
He's a poser.

Being homeless is not a crime.
People fail all the time. Indeed, many of the most successful people EVER were failures - multiple times over. But they didn't blame their circumstances on others, or take to crime, or street hustling, or any of the other activities you seem to think warrant adulation.

He's a poser. A two-bit loser who blames his difficulties on others, who takes no responsibility whatsoever for his own failings.
He's a poser.

Being homeless is not a crime.
People fail all the time. Indeed, many of the most successful people EVER were failures - multiple times over. But they didn't blame their circumstances on others, or take to crime, or street hustling, or any of the other activities you seem to think warrant adulation.

He's a poser. A two-bit loser who blames his difficulties on others, who takes no responsibility whatsoever for his own failings.
How can he be a loser when he is gaining support amongst Black people, he lives in an apartment in expensive Harlem and got the diner closed? He got the Lovelace closed.
How can he be a loser when he is gaining support amongst Black people, he lives in an apartment in expensive Harlem and got the diner closed? He got the Lovelace closed.

Good grief - he closed a BAR, temporarily - because he complained about how he was treated, while DRUNK. Big whoop.

And "gaining support" amongst blacks? I thought he HAD their support?

And lives in an expensive apartment in Harlem? Wow - no doubt all those blacks who love him live in the same accommodations as he?
Good grief - he closed a BAR, temporarily - because he complained about how he was treated, while DRUNK. Big whoop.

And "gaining support" amongst blacks? I thought he HAD their support?

And lives in an expensive apartment in Harlem? Wow - no doubt all those blacks who love him live in the same accommodations as he?
He is gaining support----the support he has amongst Blacks are growing. That is what I am trying to say. He's prominent. Deal with it. He's an activist, he's a white male ally. He said he will shut down America on behalf of Black people.
You got to be.......this guy is the future of America. Wake up and join me, or get crushed by a changing demographics of America.
Ans rhere it is, You finally spit it out. Thanks....now we can ignore you completely.
I wouldn't worry about it.

Apparently we're going to get to suffer through a lot more threads idolizing this "prominent" poser whom no one's heard of before before he's flushed for good.

And I doubt anything new the OP has yet to share with us will ever make the whole story any more palatable than the :poop: we've been served about him thus far.
Look at who’s a big fan of NYC and their acceptance of interracial dating!

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