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  • I am always correct about every issue. If you disagree it’s because you’re a paid CIA agent.
    "Arguing for the opposite of the position you believe in has always been a thought exercise I've found fun."

    What convinces you people don't do this already? People can argue on behalf of an idea they don't believe in and never confess to it.
    Sure, but it is always fun when both parties knowingly have a "reverse argument". I had fun anyway.
    I used to be on a Discord server that had debate tournaments like that, but the tournaments had judges who didn't care about the beliefs at hand, but rather the motives behind the beliefs.

    It reminded me of how in the real world, people flip flop opportunistically between one belief and another typically 15-20 years after they become politically aware while provoking their opponents into appearing hypocritical.
    Your post (in Branson's poll about DP makeup)...and your tagline gave me something to think about.

    I'm quite curious of your path mostly because one of ours is in JROTC...and my current job is in IT. :) Care to share more?

    Sure! Was there anything in specific you wanted to know more about? Or just generally how I ended up where I am now?
    Dear Nomad4Ever - I'm sorry I had to delete the thread poll you answered on When Does Personhood Begin? in order to finish editing. Please answer on the thread now up.

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