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  • Damn dude - you know that incels wouldn't be allowed to exist in any actual theocracy, right?

    In a theocracy they'd probably just be used as cheap slave labor, or even executed for their sexual immorality, rather than tolerated like they are in cushy America and Europe. That's one of the whole things that almost makes theocracy sound good - namely that it would eliminate them.

    So be careful what you wish for...
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    Reactions: John Riley
    What?….. i never advocated for a theocracy. Do you have me confused with the confederate guy?
    Hi, just wanted to say you sound pretty cool. You are a liberal but i think its fun to talk to everyone.
    That is appreciated.
    NP. reading thru politics too much fighting. anyway, back to tornaodos and motorcycles.
    Hi! You "liked" a post of mine and it was my 5,000th "like!"

    So you qualify for a t-shirt or something. :cool:
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