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  • good morning, any chance you could find a profile picture, I'm constantly confusing you with two other posters who have a T . Besides , you could pick a cool picture .
    • Like
    Reactions: TheParser
    Sorry. I am an 86-year-old computer illiterate. I could not post one to save my life! I am sure the other two can.

    Have a nice day!
    soap box
    soap box
    No problem, I m able to get around with one click at a time, my daughter usually fixes my computer mistakes, thanks
    I just wanted you to knw that my wife and I got the first injection of the AstraZeneca vaccine. She got hers last week, and I got mine yesterday. I am having some side effects like fever, chills, headache and body pain. How ever, I at my desk sending you thin message, and in the midst of a hot debate. So thanks, and don't worry that you negatively influenced me. You didn't.
    That’s some very thought provoking cluster****ery you did on your London book really. Well done.
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