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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StcyPf-iOXk

    A native of Izhevsk Zagitova Alina won the 4th stage the Cup of Russia in the women's figure skating. As the site sportur.ru , competitions were held in Kazan.

    14-year-old athlete from Izhevsk won both the short and free programs, gaining a total of 194.21 points.

    The silver medal was won by Stanislav Konstantinov ( St. Petersburg ), gaining 193.81 points. Third with a score of 184.17 points was the Nugumanova Elizabeth ( Saint-Petersburg ).



    As far as anyone knows, Prince Harry hasn’t gotten close to popping the question to his new girlfriend Meghan Markle, but that didn’t stop the prime minister of Antigua from encouraging the couple to honeymoon on his Caribbean island.


    At an event Monday night, before hundreds of guests, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua said to Harry: “I am told that there may be a new princess and I just want to say that should you make the decision to honeymoon – then Antigua and Barbuda want to welcome you.”


    The prince didn’t reply. He just winced a little and fiddled with his shirt to avoid eye contact, according to People.

    President-elect Donald Trump has disavowed the white nationalist movement which dubs itself the “alt-right” and which rallied around his candidacy, but vigorously defended his former campaign chairman and newly appointed White House chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, a man accused of fanning the flames of white supremacy.


    “I don’t want to energize the group, and I disavow the group,” Trump said at a meeting with a group of New York Times journalists, in response to a question from the newspaper’s executive editor, Dean Baquet.


    “And if they are energized I want to look into it and find out why,” Trump said.

    Елизавета Туктамышева на шоу Dreams on Ice 2015

    Мама, я влюбилась в этих животных ������ #Thailand


    "I'm very glad I was able to overcome yourself, and even with such difficulties, temperature before rolling, skated clean short program, - said Elena Radionova in an interview with" All Sport ". - This will give me a great experience that can be collected even in extreme conditions. "



    Lena replied calmly: "The temperature is not brought down, given antiviral pill and everything. If you put a hand to his forehead now? I do not know now, but before going on the ice was just that, thirty-eight. What can you do? They say that when the body goes to peak form, weakens the immune system. "



    Russians Evgeny Medvedev and Seraphim Sahanovich representing the nearest reserve Russian women figure skating, won gold and silver Junior World Championship in Tallinn. Junior program composition elements are somewhat different from adults, so compare the scores obtained Sahanovich and Medvedev in Tallinn, with their other results this season does not make much sense. Suffice it to note that these scores were extremely high. Medvedev received 68.48 points for the short program and 192.97 on the sum. Sahanovich 63.09 and 186.15 respectively.


    Before awarding public offering to listen a small interview with the winner of Skate America. Leading through a translator asks seriously listen to her fifteen-year girl with incredibly long and fluffy lashes:



    - Say you're at least aware of in 15 years, making the impossible on the ice?

    - And I'm doing this impossible? - Lena is surprised. - I have the same jumps, and all that, I just try to do them every performance cleaner work on themselves.



    ISU Jr Grand Prix Championship 4th stage, Nagoya, Japan, September 12-13. Final Standings 1. Seraphim Sahanovich (Russia) - 177.69 2. Yuka Nagai (Japan) - 161.65 3. Elizabeth Tursynbayeva (Kazakhstan) - 159.38 4. Yes Bin Choi (South Korea) - 158.60 5. Diana Pervushkina (Russia) - 151.31 skating 1. Seraphim Sahanovich (Russia) - 121.66 2. Yuka Nagai (Japan) - 108.70 3. Yes Bin Choi (South Korea) - 105.94 4. Diana Pervushkina (Russia) - 103.81 5. Elizabeth Tursynbayeva (Kazakhstan) - 100.13 Short Program 1. Elizabeth Tursynbayeva (Kazakhstan) - 59.25 2. Seraphim Sahanovich (Russia) - 56.03 3. Jenni Saarinen (Finland) - 55.20 4. Tennell Brady (USA) - 54.92 5. Yuka Nagai (Japan) - 52.95 ... 9. Diana Pervushkina (Russia) - 47.50

    lenok_radionova #alsicebucketchallenge I nomination by @zaseevakristina nominate @__mihal__ @lera_evseeva @nicolegosviani good luck ️ :kitty: :2dance:






    Felicia Zhang and Nate Bartholomay ended their pairs figure skating partnership, but the Olympians pulled off a neat trick together throwing a ceremonial first pitch at an MLB game Monday night.

    U.S. pairs figure skaters throw unusual ceremonial first pitch (video) | OlympicTalk
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