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  • Thanks for the movie recommendation. How was it in Vietnam?
    I wasn't in VN. I was in the Army unit in the movie. I was on the home front that Coppola made the move about, ie, The War At Home. The Vietnam War affecting the Army members in the USA.
    Thanks, i cant wait to watch
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    Reactions: Tangmo
    việc tìm kiếm Shop mua acc lmht có khó hay không khi mÃ* shop acc lol Ä‘ang dần trở nên nhiá»�u hÆ¡n , vÃ* việc lừa đảo mua online cÅ©ng rất nhiá»�u , váº*y nên tìm kiếm shop bán acc liên minh ở đâu thì uy tÃ*n
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