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YAH-64 Apache Helicopter video (1 Viewer)

all in favor of raising taxes in order to pay for it say, "aye."
It's been in production since 1984.

my bad, I saw "introduction film" and stopped reading.

all in favor of raising taxes in order to pay for the AH-64F (or whatever they're up to now) say, "aye."
my bad, I saw "introduction film" and stopped reading.

all in favor of raising taxes in order to pay for the AH-64F (or whatever they're up to now) say, "aye."

does it shoot care-bear stares?
If it did, I'd pay for it in marshmellows.
Here is a very interesting US Army video:

url=http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/531.cfm?sd=71INTRODUCTION FILM FOR A NEW GENERATION OF ATTACK HELICOPTER - THE AH-64 APACHE[/url]

This is the early prototype of the AH-64A Apache by Hughes Helicopter Company (now Boeing).

Your emotional clip lacks music and that makes it very shallow.
Do you like Iron Maiden?
AC/DC/ Rap? I hope I hit at least one of your likes.YouTube - Super kamov
YouTube - Ka-50 Black Shark. The Best single-seat Attack Helicopter.

YouTube - MI-24 and MI-35 Russian Helicopters

That might be the most boring military video I've ever seen.
It's an official Army video from the late 70's or early 80's probably. Notice the T-tail.

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